Matthew McConaughey ‘seriously considers’ for Texas governor Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey has announced that he is seriously considering running for governor of Texas a year before the state election.

The actor announced his intentions on Wednesday on the latest episode of Houston’s The Balanced and Voice Is Podcast’s Crime Stoppers. He told host Rania Mancarius that running for governor was a “true consideration”.

“I’m re-examining now, what is my leadership role?” He said. “Because I think I have some things to teach and share, and what is my role? What is my category in the next chapter of my life that I am entering? ”

If McCain launches a gravitational campaign, he will face Republican Greg Abbott, who will run again.

This is not the first time the 51-year-old Oscar winner has hinted at the idea. In November 2020, when Hugh Hewitt, a talkative radio host, was asked if he would consider speaking out, he replied, “It will belong to more people than me.” He called politics a “broken business” and said he would gain more interest when it “redefines its purpose.”

McConaughey’s political affiliation is unknown and many are speculating online whether he will run as a Republican or a Democrat. It’s not a clear indication of which side he’s coming from, but his past comments on hot-button issues such as gun violence, masks and defamation of the police may provide some clarification.

In October, McConaughey was invited to the same pod Rogan Experience, a popular podcast, where he discussed issues including being a Christian in Hollywood and rescuing the police. He said some Hollywood liberals went to the far left.

Discussing his religion, he said: “There are some people in our industry, not all of them, some who have gone so far to the left … those who have so far gone to the left of self-reliance are so few and The world needs the sympathy that liberals have … to outlaw them because they say they are believers is arrogant, and in some ways hypocritical, for me. “

Asked about defaming the police, McCain responded cautiously about how he would try to improve relations between the police and the community. “It’s almost like it should be renamed because ‘Defend’ doesn’t make any noise because the money has gone back to different areas of handling police drills.”

“The community and the police need to come back together, and the community needs to say,‘ What’s wrong here. It’s here that I find it inappropriate to have a black man or a colored person or whatever the situation. Here is my problem with my relationship with you as a cops. ‘

McConaughey said his life practice was in the middle and of compromise, which is evident on his other political tendencies. “There was a conversation between the two parties,” he said on the White Boy Rick film’s press tour. “Hey, where can we get the wing here? Find a solution for the betterment of all of us? ”

The actor spoke on the “epidemic” of gun violence in 2018, taking a different stance from his more progressive peers. He expressed concern that the March for Our Live, held after the Parkland High School shooting, would be “hijacked” by the anti-gun movement, saying the march was “for the ownership of a fair, just and responsible gun”, but against the assault rifles, unlimited magazines Against and for following the rules ”.

Early in the epidemic, McConaughey filmed the pro-mask PSA and interviewed Dr. Anthony Fauci on Instagram. In an interview with Jesse Will for Men’s Journal, he lamented how wearing masks on both sides of the spectrum was politicized. “It simply came to our notice then. Our leaders were wandering, ”he said.

In the same interview, he touched on the potential message of a speculative campaign – “Make America OK, OK, OK Again” many of his fans joked, but more seriously “Meet me in the middle – I dare.” The message adheres to the same philosophy as his best-selling autobiography Greenlights: “When faced with any crisis, I feel that a good problem is to first identify the problem, then stabilize the situation, adjust the reaction, and then react.”

Regardless of their political affiliation, McConaughey’s love for the L’Can star state is evident in many of his philanthropic projects through his foundation, the Just Kit Livin Organization. When severe winter storms hit his home state in February, McConaughey took advantage of the virtual benefits of its base to provide Texans with “absolute necessities.”