Mask usage, social distance with risk of airborne COVID-19

Aerosol Large-AD Simulation Results

Large-ed simulation results of aerosol “clouds” produced by the breath of an infected host in an unstable boundary layer. Credit: Rajat Mittal, Charles Maniva and Van Wu

The Quantitative Airborne Transmission Inequality model illustrates the relationship between physical distance and protection, the effectiveness of facial masks, and the effect of physical activity on transmission.

Constant increase in COVID-19 Infection has led scientists around the world to study the dynamics of aerobic transition from scientists in a variety of fields, including biodiesel, epidemiology, virology, fluid mobility, aerosol physics, and public policy.

In The physics of fluidsBy AIP Publishing, researchers at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Mississippi used a model to understand air transmission, designed to make it accessible to a variety of people, including nonsense.

Using the basic concepts of fluid motility and known factors of aerodynamic transmission of diseases, the researchers proposed a comparative airborne transmission (CAT) inequality model. While not all factors of the CAT inequality model are known, it can be used to assess related risks, as the risk of the situation is proportional to the exposure time.

Using the model Dell, the researchers determined that the protection from transmission increases with approximately linear physical distance.

Writer Jo Rajat Mittal said that if you double your distance, you usually double your protection. “This type of scaling or rule can help inform policy.”

Scientists have also discovered that even a simple cloth mask provides significant protection and can reduce the spread of COVID-19.

“We also show that any physical activity that increases the rate of breathing and the volume of people will increase the risk of transmission,” Mittal said. “These findings have a significant impact on the reopening of schools, gyms or malls.”

The CAT inequality model is inspired by the Drake equation in astrobiology and develops a similar factor based on the idea that if a sensitive person inhales a viral dose that exceeds the minimum infectious dose.

This model includes variants that can be added to each of the three stages of airborne transmission: injection, expulsion, and aerosolisation of virus-containing drops from the mouth and nose of an infected host; Diffusion and transport by ambient air currents; And inhalation of drops or aerosols and the placement of the virus in the respiratory mucosa in a sensitive individual.

Researchers hope to take a closer look at the functionality of face masks and transmission details in high-density outdoor locations. In addition to COVID-19, this model based on CAT inequality can apply to airborne transmission of other respiratory infections such as flu, tuberculosis and measles.

Ref: October 26, 2020, by Rajat Mittal, Charles Maniva and Wen Woo “Mathematical framework for estimating the risk of airborne transmission of COVID-19 with the application of mask use and the application of social distance” The physics of fluids.
DOI: 10.1063 / 5.0025476