Mary Trump: Donald Trump’s niece asks him to ‘resign’

Mary Trump spoke about visiting her uncle in the White House in 2017 a few months after the inauguration, saying “he already seemed very tense from the pressures.”

“I just remember thinking, ‘He seems tired. It seems this is not what he signed up for,'” he told Stephanopoulos in an interview clip broadcast on Tuesday.

When asked what she would say if she visited him today in the Oval Office, Mary Trump replied: “resign.”

His message follows the launch of his book, “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the Most Dangerous Man in the World.” In the book, she bitingly criticizes the president, accusing him of being a “sociopath” and accusing his “arrogance and willful ignorance” that dates back to his earliest days threatening the country.
His revealing book is the second in as many months to present a withering portrait of the president, and like former national security adviser John Bolton, his book sparked a failed legal campaign to stop publication. On Monday, the New York State Supreme Court lifted a temporary restraining order that allows Mary Trump to promote her book.

She writes that part of the book is based on her own memory, and she partly pieced together a dialogue based on what some family members and others told her, as well as legal documents, bank statements, tax returns, and other documents. .

Mary Trump, whose father, Freddy Trump, died after struggles with alcoholism, writes that “he could no longer remain silent” after the past three years of Trump’s presidency.
