Mandatory mask order begins for all of Madison County at 5 p.m. Tuesday

Dr. Karen Landers, Madison County Health Officer, has issued a health order requiring most people to wear face covers in public places in Madison County to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus COVID-19.

The order takes effect on July 7 at 5 pm

“We need to do everything we can to limit the spread of COVID-19,” said Dr. Scott Harris, state health officer. “Until we have a vaccine or treatment for COVID-19, wearing a face shield in public is a key measure we have available to prevent transmission of the virus.”

This health order has the unanimous support of the Madison County Board of Health, Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle, Madison Mayor Paul Finley and County Commission Chairman Dale Strong.

“This is a simple mathematical problem,” said Battle. “Since June 16, the number of positive cases in Madison County has tripled, and the number of hospitalizations has increased 660 percent. We need to take precautionary measures, such as wearing face covers, 6-foot spacing, and washing. hands to provide a safe environment for our citizens. “

Finley said: “From day one, we as elected officials have said that we would work to strike a balance between personal and economic health. While personal responsibility remains paramount, our increasing and drastic numbers dictate that this is taken. step to continue supporting the safety of all citizens. “

A facial covering is defined as a device to cover a person’s nose and mouth to prevent the spread of saliva or other fluids during speech, cough, sneeze, or other intentional or involuntary actions. No medical grade masks are required. The liners can be made from scarves, scarves or other fabrics.

COVID-19 infection is usually transmitted to others through an airway, and this can occur without symptoms. Studies illustrate how COVID-19 can be transmitted by speaking, coughing, and sneezing, even in asymptomatic people. Facial covers create a barrier between a person’s face and the air around them. Facial covers prevent people from spreading respiratory drops and can prevent other people from acquiring the virus.

Facial covers are required at the following Madison County locations:

* Indoor business spaces or places open to the public, including shops, bars, restaurants, entertainment venues, public meeting spaces, or government buildings.

* Transportation services available to the public, including public transportation, paratransit, taxi, or shared transportation.

* Outdoor areas open to the public where 10 or more people gather and where people cannot keep a distance of 6 or more feet between people who do not belong to the same household.

Exceptions to the use of masks or face masks include:

* Children 2 years and younger.

* People while eating or drinking.

* Patients in examination rooms of medical offices, dental offices, clinics or hospitals where an examination of the mouth or nasal area is necessary.

* Clients receiving hair care services, temporary removal of facial covers when necessary to provide hair care.

* Occasions covering the face pose a significant risk to mental or physical health, safety, or security. These include risks in the workplace.

* Although not required, face covering is highly recommended for congregations in worship services and for situations where people from different households cannot or cannot maintain a distance of 6 feet from each other.

* When effective communication is needed for the hearing impaired and people who speak to a large group of people, as long as the speaker can stay at least 6 feet away from other people.

* Indoor sports facilities. Customers are not required to wear face covers while actively participating in permitted sports activities, but employees in regular interaction with customers must wear face covers or masks.

* Private clubs and meetings not open to the public and where a constant distance of 6 feet is maintained between people from different homes.

Parents, guardians, and caregivers should ensure that children over 2 years of age are adequately masked in public places, ensure that face liners do not pose a choking hazard to children, and that they can be used safely without obstructing breathing ability. of a child. Child care facilities and schools must develop their facial coverage policies and procedures.

All businesses and places open to the public must provide a notice that facial covers are required within the facility. Signage required at all public entrances

Harris said, “Wearing a face mask can help keep family, coworkers, and the community safe. This is the simplest act of kindness you can do for yourself, your family, and your community, especially for those who are at high risk of contracting the virus. “
The Alabama Department of Public Health advises these actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

· Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds.
· Social distance by staying 6 feet away from others
· Avoid sick people.
· Stay home if you can; work remotely if possible
· Cover your mouth and nose with a face covering when you are around others
· Cover coughs and sneezes
· Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
· Control your health