Man wearing Swastika face mask because ‘being forced to wear one is like living in Nazi Germany’

A YouTuber has commented on why he wears a face mask with a swastika symbol, and it seems like he is being asked to wear one as related to living in Nazi Germany.

The similarities are not exactly clear. The Nazis were a fascist party whose government killed millions in terror. Face masks have been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a means to help curb the spread of coronavirus with the hope of saving lives.

For Brad Braddock – who has previously ‘masked’s are bullshit [sic]’- being asked to wear face masks in public is all part of a socialist agenda, and by wearing one he simply meets’ this new normal’.

You can see Braddock’s reasoning for yourself here:

In the video, titled ‘Reality check! Welcome to the new normal! ‘, Braddock says he has now bought his first face mask, despite his previous opposition, and shows off his alarming new purchase to dumb viewers.

In the video, which has been viewed more than 16,000 times at the time of this writing, Brad describes the mask as ‘kind of fun’, before continuing to lie to ‘the’ socialists out here on commie news and telling us that we should follow this new normal ‘.

These socialists love to force their opinions and their beliefs and make the law, everyone has to do this now or otherwise. Or something else? Will you arrest me? You know, I bet you would like to arrest me and throw me in jail and what-not.

While it can sometimes be mildly uncomfortable to remember to wear a face mask, comparison to Nazi Germany is clearly wild over the top, and not too entertaining for all those who lived through such dark times.

Braddock has previously made videos criticizing face masks. In one video, titled ‘Mask and organized crime!’, Braddock seems to describe coronavirus as an ‘imaginary threat’.

Even if Braddock had a plausible explanation for his choice of face mask – which he does not – it is never, ever okay to wear a swastika on your clothes, a symbol that holds so much horror and brains for so many people.

Given the polarized state of the world, it is perhaps not too surprising that people will attach political significance to what is actually a sensible security measure.

However, with the U.S. now close to five million cases of coronavirus, it is worrying that people like Braddock share such unsupported and divisive theories, and reject their invisible approach as somehow rebellious.

It’s okay not to panic about everything that’s going on in the world right now. The goal of LADbible and UNILAD with our campaign, Cutting Through, is to provide our community with facts and stories from people who are qualified to comment on the situation we have encountered in the first instance. Click here for more information from the World Health Organization.
