Zaid Ibrahim sues Zaid Ibrahim & Co for wrongful termination


KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): Former Minister of the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Mohd Zaid Ibrahim filed the summons and complaint against the law firm Zaid Ibrahim & Co to prevent the firm from using his name in legal practice and to demand the return of the company name.

Mohd Zaid, who is also an interim attorney, as well as the plaintiff, filed the lawsuit through Messrs. Suflan TH Liew & Partners through an electronic review in the Superior Court and named the law firm as the sole defendant.

Case management was established on December 23 before Assistant Secretary Nurliana Ismail.

In his claim statement, Mohd Zaid said that he formed the law firm as a sole proprietorship under his name in 1987 and started the practice under the name Zaid Ibrahim & Co, before slowly expanding the firm to include other partners, including Chew. Seng Kok and Datuk Seri Dr. Nik Norzrul Thani Nik Hassan Thani.

He said that throughout his legal practice, he had built a good reputation for the firm as he became a panel law firm for financial institutions and government-linked companies until he left the firm after being appointed a minister in 2008. .

Mohd Zaid after he left the company, other partners took over, with Chew as managing partner and Nik Norzrul as president.

He added that he intended to return to the profession in 2018 and asked Chew and Nik Norzrul to stop using his name and to return his name as he wanted to start his own company.

Mohd Zaid said that because they refused to do so, he, through his lawyers, filed a claim in a letter dated September 24 to stop using his name.

On October 5, he was made an offer to rejoin the legal practice with Zaid Ibrahim & Co as an existing equity partner and president effective November 1.

He said he accepted the offer and rejoined the firm, but his services ended with immediate effect on November 9 and he ceased to be a partner or member of the firm.

He claimed that with its termination, the partnership was dissolved, but the defendant continued his practice as a new firm without the plaintiff.

“In this situation, the defendant has no legal right to use the name of the plaintiff in his newly formed legal practice,” said Mohd Zaid.

You are seeking a court order to prevent the defendant, or any of his agents, from using the name, Zaid Ibrahim, in any form or style, as the name of his company in connection with legal practice.

It also seeks an order for the defendant to surrender all materials, including letterheads, notes, invoices, and brochures printed with his name, plus damages for the misuse of the plaintiff’s name, costs, and other repairs deemed appropriate by the court. – Bernama
