Zaid Ibrahim & Co alleges that Zaid abused his position as president, disrupted the business


Zaid Ibrahim & Co alleges that Zaid abused his position as president, disrupted the business

Updated 11 hours ago · Posted on December 2, 2020 7:42 PM ·

In a wrongful termination case in Kuala Lumpur High Court, Zaid Ibrahim & Co alleges that Zaid Ibrahim used a “divide and conquer” approach to management, pitting partners against each other. – Malaysia Insight archive photo, December 2, 2020.

ZAID Ibrahim & Co (Zico) has said that its former president, Zaid Ibrahim, was fired from his post for “totally unacceptable conduct”, in a filing to settle a wrongful termination lawsuit in Kuala Lumpur High Court.

Zico also said that Zaid, who is also suing to prevent the firm from using his name, had breached his duties with the firm with conduct that broke mutual trust and had behaved in a manner inappropriate for a member of the legal profession.

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