Zahid U-turn is likely to end Anwar’s takeover bid


YOUR OPINION | Zahid probably promised Anwar something, threatened him and withdrew.

Kit Siang links Zahid reaffirming support of PN with NFA for minister of PAS

Umno has changed his mind, supports the PN and calls for a ‘political ceasefire’

History repeats itself when Zahid leaves Anwar again – Kadir

The Wakandan: It was obvious that the President of Umno, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, and the former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, could never be allies of the President of the PKR, Anwar Ibrahim, due to many reasons. One is that they are simply incompatible.

Even if Anwar wants to, his politics cannot, as the two (Zahid and Najib) are linked to corruption, the very personalities that Pakatan Harapan wanted to overthrow.

We think that maybe Anwar is not so gullible, not to join the corrupt members of Umno, but to those who still have his reputation that can be saved. If indeed Anwar wanted to team up with Zahid and Najib, then he was doing the amazing thing and as such he shouldn’t be the people’s prime minister.

It’s hard to see how Anwar can get back up after this. It was a silly mistake but it also shows his caliber or rather, very little of it. If it is simple enough to be caught and used by political adversaries like that, then it should not be the prime minister of the nation, where the responsibility is even greater.

The chapter of this episode is almost closed; There is probably nothing else to see and hope for.

YellowEagle3055: This whole debacle has proven a few things. Umno, as usual, not to be trusted. Zahid probably promised Anwar something, was threatened, and withdrew. The entire government security apparatus is at the disposal of the current government.

The intense rivalry between Bersatu and Umno, as seen on Twitter and Facebook, does not bode well for the election. There will be bitter rivalry, fight for seats and sabotage.

Discontent in Umno over Bersatu’s decisions, I’m sure, will make Umno try to eliminate them in the next election. That it may be soon.

Harapan must take note, stand firm and united. Your enemies are divided, so you have an advantage.

Kim Quek: Something important must have happened to Zahid personally to cause his total reversal against Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Bersatu.

Zahid went from threatening to withdraw support from his party to reaffirming full support for Muhyiddin’s faltering leadership.

Just a few days ago, he claimed that for serious issues like this, withdrawing from Perikatan Nasional (PN), the party, not him, must decide, for which a meeting of the supreme council was the answer.

Now, without such a supreme council meeting, he couldn’t wait to unilaterally declare Umno’s full support for PN.

What prompted Zahid to make such an impressive personal U-turn? It is understood by concession of cabinet posts as demanded. But there should be something bigger than that for him, personally, that is.

What is it? Your guest is as good as mine.

Proarte: Zahid’s support for Anwar, which Anwar naively believed, turned out to be the scam that it was. He exposed Anwar as an insincere “reformist” who is willing to make deals with Umno, whose members have been accused of corruption, to become prime minister.

Well, if anything, it has shown us that Anwar is not a reformist, but an unprincipled opportunist like Zahid.

Just as DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang was willing to dance with the devil and make a pact with former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who is the dean of crony capitalism, racism and controlled kleptocracy. All of this was done in the name of Malaysian “reform” and Anwar also fell into the same trap.

Both have been betrayed by these unscrupulous politicians, but it does not absolve Lim and Anwar, but rather shows them as naive and easy to scam at best, or at worst, people whose principles and values they can be bought for what they consider the correct reasons, ie political power, wealth and NFA (no more actions) of criminal charges.

IndigoKite6964: According to veteran journalist A Kadir Jasin, in 1998 when Zahid betrayed Anwar for the first time, Zahid chose wealth and power over loyalty, which means we have a monster in the yard.

On the other hand, I have the feeling that most (not all) politicians will choose wealth and power over everything else. It’s just that they aren’t as big as Zahid. What hope does this country have when its leaders chose wealth and power as their true motives and begged for a second chance during elections?

In the end, you can say that we voted for them, that’s true. However, we don’t have many options. We always have to settle for minor evils and get rid of them when they get too great. It is a viable strategy and perhaps the only strategy we have.

Coward: The link suggested by Lim de Zahid making his U-turn based on Plantation Industries and Commodity Minister Khairuddin Aman Razali was released from the hook for breaking the quarantine, is tenacious at best.

The prime minister could have given PAS this pass as part of a broader set of conditions to keep him after he agreed to Umno’s conditions. I’d been saving this for it.

Umno’s interest in PAS is simply to ensure that it is not less than PAS. PAS’s best chance of being in government is with PN. The PN should not fear that the PAS will leave the ruling coalition.

Hugs and kisses: Zahid will not simply support Anwar without PAS joining in. Without PAS, Zahid knows that he and Umno will be buried in Harapan.

Muhyiddin is “safe” as long as PAS does not give Zahid security. Hence the urgency for Umno to draw PAS into the Muafakat Nasional pact as a top priority.

Either way, the Muhyiddin government is a true and true lame duck.

Mohd Bakri 3: Is it because of Agong and the Sultan of Selangor’s call for political stability and the focus on the rakyat that Umno agrees to a temporary ceasefire?

Before everyone else jumps on Anwar, please note this is politics. What they say a minute ago and what they do are two totally different things and in Malaysia that’s fine. Even legal statements are weightless, as everyone can change their mind.

Conclusion: In the future, regardless of the current or future general elections, the rakyat have to worry about what is the point of voting if, after an election, various political factions start courting the winners one by one to switch sides. .

As long as that happens, it means that we are voting for individuals and not for parties.

If an elected individual who wants to support another party can do so but with his seat being replaced by someone else from the same party and not his new party, that would create stability. Otherwise Malaysia will crash and burn.

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