Zahid suggests motion of confidence from the government table in parliament


KUALA LUMPURIn an unexpected move, Umno President Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi called on the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government to seek a vote of confidence in Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin in the Dewan Rakyat instead of a proclamation of emergency.

He said Parliament is the best place to test the country’s political stability and the level of trust in Muhyiddin.

He noted that government business has priority in the Dewan Rakyat and that the motion should be presented as part of government business.

“Let the government make it a priority, which is to bring this vote of confidence,” said Ahmad Zahid (BN-Bagan Datoh) while debating the 2021 Budget.

The proposal was received with the approval of the other deputies.

Ahmad Zahid said that any attempt to declare a national emergency should be rejected by all MPs, as an emergency declaration recently requested by the Muhyiddin government is not an option, as the King and the Malay Rulers Conference had rejected the idea.

He added that an ideal option would be to return the mandate to the people by holding elections, but considering the current pandemic, all the deputies should unite.

He also touched on political dishonesty, saying that sincerity must be demonstrated through actions rather than mere words.

“There should be no doubt about who contributes more and who should feel indebted,” he said.

Ahmad Zahid said that there must be honesty in the policy and it is not just a verbal agreement but implementation.

Yesterday was the last day for the Budget debate before moving on to the committee stage on Monday.

The parliamentary session ends on December 15.
