YOURS | Sign of the times


YOUR OPINION | The trucker made a police report. Well done sir, good job.

Truck attendant claims police demanded onions for Negeri border crossing

MarioT: Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad presented the New Economic Policy (NEP) to improve the Malaysian economically.

He then opened a floodgate to authority without dignity when a mixed civil service was replaced by one of total domination by one race.

It then led to the creation of a large number of little Napoleons within the public administration who operated almost without control, thus giving room to enrich themselves.

Over time, this contagious disease spread through a significant part of the public administration to the point of bribery in every corner.

Now it has reached an alarming level, and the only way to stop it is to reform the entire civil service starting at the top, and then impose severe punishment on anyone caught taking bribes.

Without a concerted effort by the government, it will continue to plague the nation. Sadly, even Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin does not want to broach this issue, perhaps for his own political survival.

Corruption is seen as the scourge of a nation, but the authorities seem to focus on less important issues, especially issues of non-Malaysian interests.

A former prime minister has been convicted of this crime. It goes to show the magnitude of this problem.

Mugi: PAS leaders Abdul Hadi Awang and Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, do you conform to the alleged police demand or extortion from the syariah?

Why aren’t you tackling this kind of problem instead of insisting on who and where to sell liquor?

RedRusa3189: This is no longer a bribe. It is extortion.

Malaysia is no longer a safe place to call home. There will come a time when bullies will be more honorable than law enforcement officers.

Pegasus: What is happening to our cops these days? There are so many cases where they break the law.

The government should investigate and find out why. Perhaps their salary can no longer support them and their families. If so, the government will have to increase their salaries.

Something needs to be done. The Inspector General of Police (IGP) has to do more for them.

Against traitors: Don’t drag the IGP into this case. He’s busy tracking down Indira Gandhi and Jho Low’s daughter.

Neutral point: You can often see the police erecting barricades or hiding under the bridge to catch drivers without their seat belts on. Do they do this for their sense of duty or for other purposes?

There are many other traffic offenses. For example:

1. Use of mobile phone while driving

2. Using the emergency lane

3. Motorcycles that circulate on the Federal Highway, prohibited 40 years ago

4. Motorcycles at traffic lights, especially food delivery services.

5. Skip the queue

6. Make a U-turn at traffic lights

7. Speeding

May I know how barricading can catch these traffic violators?

Vijay47: Here are two surprises. First, that the trucker made a police report. Well done sir, good job.

Second, that the trucker was not stopped. He managed to live and tell the story.

Baa Baa Black Sheep had three bags full of wool. And the police officer at the checkpoint allegedly had two bags of onions? They must have been crying all the way to the bank.

Dr. Raman: Yes, everyone should reject the bribe. And make a police report. I just hope the police act, not just impose internal disciplinary measures.

This case, if true, requires corruption or abuse of energy charges. Really so embarrassing.

GreenViper4010: How can our poor police be blamed?

They are only following the example of their icons: Najib Abdul Razak, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, Mohamad Khir Toyo … each one of them stalwarts of uprightness, honesty and fair play.

They are great role models. It would be crazy not to emulate them.

Hawk: Now, even onions?

If one cannot respect the uniform they wear and what it represents, better to leave the force instead of damaging the brand.

But if it’s a transfer, desk duties, or cold storage instead of the sack as punishment, it defeats the purpose.

Ipoh Pp: It seems that onions are valuable items now, as the price has risen recently. This is bartering. Very innovative.

New day: If true, it simply demonstrates how some in the police force treat policing as a joke. The “must get something” blocking attitude is really a blatant bullying power trip.

If investigated and confirmed, I suggest that the punishment be the officers tied to chairs and forced to peel and chop the two bags of onions, with a cutting board in their lap and with no way to avoid the fumes.

Of course, all done in public view in front of said barricade.

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