YOURS | EMCO flip-flop: two, four and now three per car


YOUR OPINION | “It is time that the authorities did not make people’s lives as difficult as it already is.”

Families cannot circumvent the ‘two per household’ rule in multiple vehicles

CMCO rule change: now three people allowed per vehicle

Jetson: The problem with this administration is that the main cause of this pandemic is due to its own failures from the beginning.

It’s time to stop abusing standard operating procedures (SOPs) by making people’s lives more miserable.

Isn’t it ridiculous that a family that stays together can’t be in one car? With major financial constraints, it would be wise for a family to use a car to send any family member to work.

There are times when young children cannot be left alone as there may be no relatives to care for them. Both family members may be needed to go to the grocery store or do any other chore.

It is time that the authorities did not make people’s lives as difficult as it already is. They must understand people’s plight and not be content to issue subpoenas in every instance.

By right, subpoenas should be issued to those politicians and their agents who openly defied the SOPs by traveling to Sabah and back during elections without undergoing quarantine.

Tholkappian: A family in a house mixes freely as no social distancing is prescribed nor is the authorities allowed to intrude into their homes and verify their adherence to social distancing.

But when they are outside, they are told to stay at least one meter apart and not to gather in the same place with more than two other people.

The government seems to say that the Covid-19 virus cannot be spread to other family members in the same home, but it will take the opportunity to infect them the moment they leave their home and meet elsewhere, even if they are sitting a meter apart.

Abd Rahim Jaafar, Director of the National Department of Homeland Security and Public Order, with people like you, our nation is surely in the running for the award for the most advanced country in the world in terms of the highest percentage of the “highly” intelligent and intelligent population. vision of the future in the world.

Oscar Kilo: Four people in a family cannot go out together in a car to have dinner together, but four people from four different households can travel in four different cars and then sit and dine together at a table. Where is the logic?

Vladivostokian: Are not the barricades located on the borders between two different districts?

If you are traveling in a car that has four people, or traveling in two cars with two people each, to go to a restaurant within your own district, you are unlikely to be fined, as I assume you will only be fined. when you stop at a barricade, which can only happen if you are trying to cross into another district, not when you go to a restaurant in your own district.

RifRaf: Bad economy – government fault. The number of Covid-19 cases increases: government fault. Not enforcing SOPs is actually the government’s fault.

It’s sad when you go to the malls and you see parents towing young children who can barely keep their masks on. Four per table, you say? Sometimes there are five or more.

People follow the rules when it suits them. If it bothers them, even for the public good, they complain.

I doubt they understand that if Covid-19 cases continue to rise, it would be difficult for our healthcare providers to cope.

Maybe for people to understand this is really enforcing fines: patrolling shopping malls and high traffic areas. Mercilessly.

If they are in a restaurant, fine the restaurant too. Good enough restaurants would make them self-sufficient in the future.

I know the police can’t be everywhere, but I know there will be disgruntled citizens watching people break simple SOPs for free.

It is not that difficult to wear a mask correctly or scan a QR code before entering a place, even if it is for a few minutes.

Even the two-person rule is workable for most. Promote citizen surveillance. Instead of taking a selfie, take a photo of people who break standard operating procedures. Label the location and time.

Even if the police can’t find them, they can summon the establishment. To be fair, also fine the mall for letting these SOP switches in. Again, this will encourage establishments to self-monitor.

When you really enforce the rules and instill fear, only then will these people follow standard operating procedures. They still won’t understand why, but at least they will reluctantly follow.

Anonymous112233: Because standard operating procedures are unclear, people are struggling to interpret the best they can.

Instead of being understanding and trying to educate people to fight the Covid-19 pandemic together, now people are being blamed. Be fair.

The problem starts with SOPs, where people don’t know how to comply; it’s not that they don’t want to. Have a heart, please.

Johanian2: Yes, keep it simple for the rakyat. Since four can dine at a restaurant at the same table, allow four from the same family per car. Why keep giving different signals?

It seems that the authorities cannot simplify the situation. The rakyat are confused, which creates a lack of confidence in the authorities.

Doc: Let me guess, one person sits in the front (driver), one person sits in the back seat, and one person in the trunk of the car.

Anyway, everyone should hold up their pants. Knowing the government of Perikatan Nasional (PN), tonight there will be a change of direction in this decision of “three people per vehicle”.

Anonymous_4118: The Covid-19 virus is very smart. Only attack if there is an even number in the car.

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