Yes, it is time to rethink our immigration intake, to focus more on families.


KRISTINA Keneally, Labor’s internal affairs spokesperson, is calling for a restart of migration as we emerge from the coronavirus crisis.

She noted in an article over the weekend that migration had been responsible for “more than half of Australia’s economic growth” since 2005.

However, he argued that in a post-Covid environment with a slow economy, we should focus on empowering Australian workers to do the jobs in the healthcare, hospitality and other industries that have been the focus of skilled migration in the last times.

Many economists disagree with Keneally’s connection between migration and the availability of local jobs. They point out that migrant workers contribute to overall economic growth, leading to a net increase in new jobs available to local workers.

There is also a risk that, despite his best intentions, Keneally’s “Australians first” rhetoric will fuel nationalist and anti-immigrant sentiments unrelated to the economy and job opportunities.

A review of our migration intake is overdue

Keneally is right to ask for a “shape and size” review of our migration intake, although not in the way that she suggested.

At the top of this review the balance between the two main streams of our migration program must be considered: skilled migrants and family migrants.

Current immigration policy favors skilled migrants over family members, significantly underestimating the importance of the family to the well-being and, potentially, the productivity of new migrants, as well as Australia’s long-term national interests.

There was a substantial change in the balance between these currents from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s.

In 1995-96, permanent migration was made up of 58% of family migrants, 25% qualified and 17% humanitarian. A decade later, the overall composition of migrants had drastically changed: 62% skilled, 29% family, and 9% humanitarian.

These proportions have remained almost the same since then. In 2018-19, there were 109,713 migrants (62%) in the qualified stream, 47,247 (27%) in the family stream, and 18,762 (11%) in the humanitarian stream.

At the same time, the temporary migration of short-term skilled workers, working vacationers, international students, and New Zealanders on special category temporary visas has dramatically increased to more than 1.2 million in December 2016.

If all temporary migrants with labor rights had a job, they would constitute more than 10% of the Australian workforce.

Immigration is about relationships

The preference of skilled migrants over family migrants is the opposite of the US. USA, where the majority of migrants arrive through family connections. Unlike Australia, this also includes the potential of migrants to sponsor siblings.

What is sometimes lost in Australia, with a unique focus on migration to boost the economy, is that immigration is not just about economic growth. It’s also about relationships.

Permanent migrants are future citizens. Migration builds community, and the ability of migrants to sponsor their broader family will deepen their connections and commitment to Australia.

The family migration program allows Australians to sponsor parents and children living abroad, partners and, in some cases, their remaining relatives.

One of the effects of our focus on skilled migration has been the increase in new migrants without extended family in Australia.

While visas for skilled workers allow their partners and children to accompany them, there is no provision for the extended family. This makes these migrants potentially more vulnerable and isolated, less committed to Australia and, some have suggested, less productive as workers.

If allowed to enter Australia, these extended family members could offer emotional support and practical assistance to loved ones who work here, such as childcare.

Meanwhile, most temporary migrant workers do not have the right to be accompanied by any family. Only some international students may have family members accompany them as a support person while studying.

A growing waiting list for partners and parents

The difficulty skilled migrants have in sponsoring their parents to migrate to Australia provides a dramatic example of how restrictive current family migration options are.

In 2018-19, just tens of thousands of applicants granted just 1,218 non-contributory parent visas. The waiting period is at least 30 years, more than many of these parents have stopped living.

The internal affairs website no longer provides wait times, stating only;

“Family migration visas are in high demand. It can take many years for this visa to be granted. ”

The wait time for partner visas for all Australian citizens and permanent residents has also increased as the number of assigned locations decreased. The internal affairs website currently says that 90% of applicants will be processed in 21 months.

Migration numbers are destined to decrease dramatically as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020-21. When the economy and our borders open, there is an opportunity to reflect on what is the best balance of skilled and family migration.

Undoubtedly, attracting the most successful skilled migrants will continue to be a driver of migration policy.

However, in choosing numbers in skilled and family streams, the government factor in the role of the extended family is also vital to the well-being and productivity of migrant workers, as is the importance of the family to the cohesion of the family. community and the sense of the migrant. connection and commitment to Australia.

Read the article here:

Yes, it is time to rethink our immigration intake, to focus more on families.
