Xbox Series X and Series S Price for Singapore from SGD 459


We ask Microsoft for more than a decade with respect to the official launch of Xbox in Malaysia. Time and time again, the response we received showed that the company does not seem interested in doing so, which is the opposite of its rival Sony, which has made its PlayStation console officially available in Malaysia since 1995.


Therefore, Malaysian gamers who are interested in getting their hands on Xbox consoles generally turn to parallel importers who would buy them in Singapore for local game stores. So if you wonder what is the amount you should pay for the next Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, the retail price of consoles for Singapore should be a matter of interest to you.

According to the official Facebook page of Xbox Singapore, the Xbox Series X will be priced at SGD 699 (~ RM 2130) while the Xbox Series S goes for SGD 459 (~ RM 1399). Both consoles will be available there starting November 10, just like in the United States.

Now that you have the reference price for consoles, you need to consider import charges and seller margin. Suppose there is an additional RM 300 in addition to the sale price to cover those additional charges; that means you’re looking at around RM 2400 and RM 1700 respectively, as the likely starting price for these consoles at local game stores.

However, the custom AMD chip inside the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S is made in Malaysia … sort of.

Since the consoles will not be officially launched in Malaysia, this also means that their prices are not regulated by Microsoft and would fluctuate according to demand from local players. So, if you plan to get the new Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S right away through your local game stores next November, be prepared to pay more than you originally expected.
