Wuhan’s new infections show ‘silent carriers’ remain biggest problem, East Asia News & Top Stories


Six new cases of Covid-19, all of them local broadcasts, have appeared in Wuhan, just two weeks after the city in central China declared that the last of its patients had been released from the hospital.

Local health authorities yesterday ordered the entire city of 11 million to undergo nucleic acid testing over a 10-day period in an attempt to stop the spread of the coronavirus, which causes Covid-19 and, most importantly, prevent a second wave of infections. just a month after he lifted a strict lock.

Wuhan was the epicenter of a coronavirus outbreak in China.

As details of the tests are resolved across the city, the new cases highlight the challenges of restarting the nation’s economy, which is facing its worst contraction since 1992, while dealing with a disease that is still prevalent in at least three provinces, as asymptomatic. patients continue to surface.

All six cases in Wuhan, including two married elderly couples, are from the same neighborhood.

It is unclear how the virus entered the community, but it was first detected in an 89-year-old man who had symptoms in late March and was self-medicating.

When he visited the hospital for other ailments earlier this month, he was found to have Covid-19. Tracing contacts led to other neighborhood residents to be evaluated, resulting in dozens of quarantined asymptomatic cases.

But under China’s tabulation system, patients who show no symptoms but test positive for nucleic acid are not added to the official count.

Therefore, the count can be misleading because around a dozen asymptomatic cases have been reported daily in Wuhan since those figures were released starting April 1. As of yesterday, there were still 589 patients under “medical observation.”

“Community-level cross infection in the city has not yet been eliminated, highlighting the challenge of preventing those who have the virus without showing any symptoms from infecting others,” the China Daily official said in an editorial yesterday.

But a leading scientist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Wu Zunyou, said testing the entire population was “unnecessary” and that mass testing should only be done in critical groups that have increased exposure to virus.

Another expert, Dr. Gregory Gray, professor of medicine, global health and environmental health at Duke University in the United States, described asymptomatic patients as the “main problem” in the fight against Covid-19.

“While massive tests (molecular or serological) would help identify cryptic foci of infection, they would have to be repeated periodically and therefore expensive and very difficult to maintain,” he told The Straits Times.

People who were examined yesterday in Wuhan, Hubei Province of China. Health authorities ordered the city's 11 million people to undergo nucleic acid tests in an attempt to stop a second wave of infections.
People who were examined yesterday in Wuhan, Hubei Province of China. Health authorities ordered the city’s 11 million people to undergo nucleic acid tests in an attempt to stop a second wave of infections. PHOTO: FRANCE-PRESS AGENCY

“I don’t see an easy, low-cost solution to stop transmission below a mass vaccination schedule, which may also need to be repeated every several years to maintain immunity,” he added.

There is also the problem of Wuhan’s capacity, with official statistics showing that 1.03 million people had undergone nucleic acid testing at the end of last month.

But its 53 laboratories and 211 test clinics can process just 46,000 samples per day, well below the nearly one million per day needed to meet the goal of testing the entire city population.

Ultimately, the crux of the problem in China, and the rest of the world as cities reopen, remains the best way to deal with asymptomatic carriers by trying to restart the economy.
