World War III News: India and US Sign New Defense Agreement Targeting China | World | News


Under the agreement, the two powers agreed to share military intelligence and increase cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. Relations between Beijing and Washington and New Delhi have deteriorated dramatically in recent years.

As a result, India, which traditionally avoided regional alliances, has moved closer to the United States.

In June, 20 Indian soldiers were killed in a clash with Chinese troops on the border of the two disputed countries.

The agreement was agreed upon by the Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, who has been on tour in the region together with the Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper.

In all, the two men will visit four countries in what Pompeo said was a mission focused on “threats” from China.


India and the US have reached a new security agreement (Image: GETTY)


The two parties met in New Delhi. (Image: GETTY)

In response to the agreement, Pompeo said: “Our leaders and our citizens see with increasing clarity that the CCP is not a friend of democracy, the rule of law, transparency and freedom of navigation, the basis of a free, open and prosperous. Indo-Pacific “.

The CCP refers to the Chinese Communist Party that has ruled China as a dictatorship since it won a civil war in 1949.

Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, India’s foreign minister, described his warm relationship with the United States as “exceptionally positive.”

The deal was also welcomed by Esper, who made it clear that it aims to contain China.

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Our leaders and our citizens see more clearly that the CCP is not a friend of democracy. ” (Image: GETTY)

He said: “We stand shoulder to shoulder in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific for all, particularly in light of China’s growing aggression and destabilizing activities.”

However, Beijing reacted angrily to the new agreement that accuses the United States of dividing the region.

Speaking of Mike Pompeo, Wang Wenbin, spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, commented: “We urge you to abandon the Cold War and zero-sum gambling mentality and stop sowing discord between China and regional countries, as well as to undermine regional peace and stability. “

The agreement signed Tuesday had been under negotiation between the United States and India for just under a decade.


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20 Indian soldiers were killed in a border clash earlier this year (Image: GETTY)


Mike Pompeo visits a memorial to Indian soldiers killed in recent border clashes (Image: GETTY)

However, New Delhi had previously been reluctant to sign for fear of antagonizing China.

Harsh Pant, director of studies at the New Delhi Observer Research Foundation, said India seeks to build alliances in response to growing Chinese assertiveness.

Speaking to Voice of America, he said: “India has been very cautious in the past, but now it is taking a more categorical position.

“Basically, while China challenges India at its borders, New Delhi is now open to aligning its priorities with the United States and like-minded Indo-Pacific countries.”

Pant insisted that the strengthened relationship will endure regardless of who wins next week’s presidential election.

He argued: “No one is questioning why this conversation is happening right now because India is an area where there is perhaps more consensus between the two US presidential candidates than anywhere else.

“There is bipartisan support in Washington to strengthen ties with India.”


Protests in India after clashes on the border with China earlier this year (Image: GETTY)

Pompeo will visit Sri Lanka, Maldives and Indonesia on his Asia tour.

The June border clash took place in the Galwan Valley, along the disputed border between India and China.

In addition to the fatalities from India, there were reports of Chinese casualties, but Beijing has not released the figure.
