Working from home, a new norm that must continue


KUALA LUMPUR: Working from home (FMH) or remote work, which has been widely practiced since the Motion Control Order (PKP) was implemented more than a year ago, is gaining acceptance, although many find it uncomfortable at first.

The reopening of the service sector and the availability of the Covid-19 vaccine in the country to curb the spread of the deadly disease have raised doubts about whether it is appropriate to continue with the new rule of working from home in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. it’s over.

Dr. Harris Shah Abd Hamid, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, University of Malaya (UM) College of Education, opined that the WFH approach should continue due to the positive effects, not just in employees but also in many other respects.

“The WFH must continue, but the needs and options of employees must be prioritized so that the WFH is not seen as a forced solution, especially for employees with high social needs, as it can deprive them of a channel for social interaction. when they work from home, ”he told Bernama here.

He said the WFH concept should be implemented by looking at the person’s job suitability or compatibility between people and the work or tasks they perform at work to ensure they can perform their work more productively at home.

Quarterly studies of the WFH showed many positive effects, especially in terms of productivity and task execution.

He said the government’s move to consider expanding work-from-home facilities to the public and private sectors to allow employees to care for their sick or ill family members, and for new parents to care for his wife and newborn is a commendable move.

“This is capable of reducing the stress that arises from the conflict of work and family demands. I am sure that many of those who care for their family members will benefit from the WFH option.

“In this context, the option to work from home can be qualified as a stress prevention measure, especially in the primary category,” he added.

Last Monday, in conjunction with Women’s Day 2021, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the government was studying the possibility of expanding the WFH agreement for public and private sector staff and giving full payment to that workers can care for sick family members. or in the case of men, to help their wives care for their newborn child.

The prime minister said the government was also considering extending the WFH agreement to workers whose spouses had just died, as issues related to the loss of loved ones typically take time to resolve.

Meanwhile, the general secretary of the National Union of Petroleum and Chemical Industry Workers (NUPCIW), Datuk Abdul Halim Mansor, who is also a former president of the Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC), outlined the move to expand the agreement of the FMH as able to adapt to the new standards. in society.

For the concept to be a success, he said, employers must change their conservative mindset, always wanting employees to be in the office to complete their respective tasks.

“Do not form the culture of working from home alone during the Covid-19 pandemic. it must be continued professionally, ”he added.

However, he said, there are still a number of employers with outdated ideas who want employees to be before their eyes as proof that they are working.

“In this age of technology, it is not necessary for employees to be present in the office, including journalists, because they can fully use the device to send news reports from anywhere, even from home,” he added.

He said that in addition to receiving full salary, employees who worked from home should also receive security guarantees, such as contributing to the Social Security Organization (Socso) insurance.

“If employees are involved in an accident at work, they can claim Socso insurance, but what happens if an accident occurs when they are working from home? Is there any protection for them?

“This matter must be investigated by making the necessary modifications so that there is a guarantee for those who work from home because accidents can also occur at home,” he added.

He said that in addition to trust between employers and employees, the WFH approach should also create a win-win situation for both parties.

“When employees work from home, employers can reduce the cost of renting office space or electricity, and at the same time, they (employers) must also provide facilities such as laptops so that employees can perform their tasks more effective, he added. –Called
