Workers in red zones in S’wak advise against traveling to green zones unless necessary – Uggah


File photo showing cars stopped at a road block that was implemented along the Kota Samarahan Expressway.

KUCHING: Workers residing in Sarawak’s red zone districts are discouraged from traveling to the green zones to work unless necessary, said chairman of the State Committee for Disaster Management, Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

“Right now, we are trying to prevent them from traveling to green areas to work, but we are still working on standard operating procedures,” Uggah said after a committee press conference in the former State Legislative Assembly building today.

If workers are required to travel, Uggah said the committee is looking for workers to observe a 14-day quarantine period in red zones before allowing them to work in areas classified as green zones if they are virus free. .

According to a daily Covid-19 update report from today’s State Disaster Management Committee, Kuching is the only district in the state classified as a red zone with 92 active cases.

During today’s press conference, Uggah said the economic sectors in Sarawak were allowed to operate starting May 12 after evaluating reports prepared by the State Department of Health on state responses to the Covid outbreak. 19.
