Work from home is now mandatory in CMCO areas, says Ismail Sabri


Work from home is now mandatory in CMCO areas, says Ismail Sabri

Aminah Farid |

Aminah Farid |

Updated 10 hours ago · Published on October 20, 2020 4:50 PM ·

Employees in CMCO areas, both in the public and private sectors, must now work from home as new cases of Covid-19 continue to increase. – Malaysia Insight file photo, October 20, 2020.

WORK from home arrangements are now mandatory for public and private sector employees in management and supervisory roles in areas under the conditional movement control order (CMCO), effective October 22, Chief Minister Ismail said today Sabri Yaakob.

The National Security Council decided this today in a measure that will affect one million workers. CMCO is currently applied in Sabah, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan.

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