Women should not be afraid, ashamed to receive help-Rina


IPOH: Married women are urged to immediately inform the authorities if there is any incidence of domestic violence and not to allow themselves to continue being victims of violence that may affect their health, both physical and mental.

The Minister of Women, Family and Community Development, Datuk Seri Rina Mohd Harun (photo), said that they should always be aware of and sensitive to changes in their husbands’ attitudes and not keep quiet all the time.

“When you are married, if there are changes in your husband (if there is domestic violence) you need guidance and counseling. Do not be afraid or ashamed.

“This is what we are trying to discard, the stigma, the shame and the reluctance (to report) since we have prepared several platforms (to help these women). It will be a waste if they cannot be fully utilized, ”he said when asked to comment on incidents of domestic violence that had resulted in loss of life in recent times.

Rina added that recent cases of domestic violence could have been caused by several factors, including husbands facing emotional pressure or financial problems due to the loss of their jobs after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, Rina said that two studies on personal well-being throughout the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) after the pandemic among families in communities had led to a family intervention program known as Jelajah. Peduli Keluarga (Solidarity family tour).

He said that the first study was conducted by the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) in collaboration with Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), in addition to the Covid-19 Impact Research on low-income families in cities by the United Nations Children’s Organization. Emergency Fund (Unicef).

He said the Jelajah Peduli Keluarga aimed to reach out to vulnerable family members to provide support services and help family resilience to face current and future challenges.

According to her, based on the first study, 43.9 percent of those surveyed admitted to having faced financial problems and 32.2 percent to having family conflicts, especially among communities that live in apartments, while in the second investigation It was found that 30 percent of the households surveyed found it difficult to access health services.

“Therefore, accessibility to family support services for this group of society, especially the affected target group, must be promoted.

“As such, the goal of Jelajah Peduli Keluarga is to support and protect the well-being of individuals, as well as to help family members recover and continue in peace during and after the MCO, as well as being a platform for them to leaders go to the ground to meet the people, ”he said.

Previously, Rina officiated the Perak state-level Jelajah Peduli Keluarga here and was also attended by the chairman of the state Women’s Development, Family and Social Welfare Committee, Datuk Dr. Wan Norashikin Wan Noordin.- Called
