With Umno at the crossroads, the best weapons feel the heat


Delegates at the 2019 Umno general assembly were upbeat, but the mood is more serious this weekend.

PETALING JAYA: When the Umno delegates last met in December 2019, the mood was optimistic due to a series of electoral victories after a crushing defeat in the 2018 general election. This weekend, there is a more serious matter: a question of survival of the party. .

In 2019, after defeating Pakatan Harapan in four by-elections, Umno had secured the Muafakat Nasional alliance with PAS and the all-Malaysian association was growing more and more.

Now, Umno’s relationships with new friends, old enemies, and new “friend-foes” will take center stage.

Party leaders must decide whether to “cement” what the rank and file have been pushing, the severing of ties with the PPBM friend turned enemy. The leadership must also answer questions about the alleged secret conversations with the new arch enemy PKR, and also with the former enemy turned ally, PAS, which is being debated between Umno and PPBM.

During today’s and tomorrow’s discussions at the 74th Annual General Assembly, the party’s bigwigs will feel the pressure, especially Party Chairman Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, whose trial on corruption charges appears increasingly politically problematic. .

“We hope that the senior leadership will affirm the position of the majority of the divisions, that we do not want to work with PPBM,” Wan Agyl Wan Hassan, Youth Leader of the Federal Territories of Umno, told FMT.

“I think there is pressure on the leaders to cement the position of the divisions, particularly those in government. This is something they must do. “

It has been reported that 147 of the 191 divisions of Umno had rejected cooperation with PPBM in the upcoming elections and would only support the Perikatan Nasional-led government until Parliament is dissolved.

There are those who really want ties to be severed immediately. Such a decision would put the “cabinet group”, of those who hold government positions, in a bind.

Wan Agyl Wan Hassan

On the other hand, PKR President Anwar Ibrahim has raised a new hornet’s nest by claiming to have had unofficial conversations with Umno leaders.

Wan Agyl, who will represent FT Umno Youth in the wing assembly, said the party was clear that it would not work with PKR or DAP in the next general election.

He said many hope that the annual assembly will set the party’s leadership for the general elections.

“We need everyone to agree and just move on. If we have established a leadership and there are people who are still trying to get the party to change its position, it will be bad. It will affect our preparation for the elections ”.

Wan Agyl said that all Umno leaders, regardless of whether they are parliamentarians, ministers or occupying party positions, must respect the party line and put the interests of the party first.

Leadership itself is a problem for the delegates. With Zahid’s court case hanging over his head, will he be the man to lead the party into the next election and into the future?

Or are the delegates expecting new leadership?

Awang Azman Pawi

This assembly will not see party elections, but the question of rejuvenation could be on the delegates’ lips considering that the so-called “group of courts” – those facing charges in the courts – are at odds with the cabinet group.

Umno, celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, desperately needs united leadership to lift it from its lowest point in history.

Malaya University socio-political analyst Awang Azman Pawi said he believes there will be heated debates about the links between Umno and PPBM.

“I won’t be surprised if PPBM turns into a punching bag, along with Umno leaders who see themselves as opposed to the push to cut ties with PPBM, like Annuar Musa.”

Jeniri amir

Jeniri Amir, a member of the National Council of Teachers, said Umno can no longer run away from addressing the “elephant in the room.”

“I don’t see that the leadership has a choice but to cut ties with PPBM. So I don’t foresee fireworks. “

With so many enemies new and old and a friend who is not fully committed to the association, the Umno delegates will have a lot to talk about, in addition to the issues of their own leadership.

For once, guns may not be aiming at the perennial DAP target.
