Will there be a new government next week?


YOUR OPINION | ‘Let’s hope Agong solves this matter as soon as possible …’

Anwar still has numbers, awaits new date for hearing with King – source

Malaysia Bharu: It seems that Agong is in a dilemma. Changing governments early in the year is likely to have a destabilizing effect on the nation as a whole.

What’s even worse is the Covid-19 pandemic and its recent surge that could skyrocket even further if it allowed for an early election.

However, you have to be aware that you had accommodated Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and his group of frogs, rebels, traitors and losers at the polls not long ago, at the beginning of the pandemic.

Another concern would be how long the majority of the PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim would last, considering it is possible thanks to defections, just like Muhyiddin, who apparently collapsed in eight months.

Hopefully Agong will resolve this matter as soon as possible, considering the country is on autopilot.

GoldenPhoenix239: At this time of national crisis in the fight against a pandemic, Anwar’s attempt to initiate a coup is in bad taste. Power is what it wants, the welfare of the rakyat has taken a backseat.

So much for the honorable politicians who today are an extinct species.

Anonymous 5035: Why was the ‘Sheraton Movie’ approved even though it was obviously a backdoor government against the wishes of the rakyat? Why was Parliament not dissolved at that very moment and let the rakyat speak for itself as in the recent Sabah elections?

At the very least, history will remember the governor of Sabah, Juhar Mahiruddin, as the man who returned the mandate to the Sabahans. If the Sabahans decide to risk their children’s future and vote for frogs and traitors, then they deserve the government they have.

Currently, no matter what secret prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin says or does, he will placate the rakyat after robbing the government.

The rakyat should not be so easily fooled by those who were part of or contributed in any way to the Sheraton Move.

Recall that part of Pakatan Harapan’s mandate involved handing over the post of Prime Minister to PKR President Anwar Ibrahim.

I think he is the man who can represent all Malaysians. A man, not corrupt like all the other PM. A man, where none of his sons is a billionaire unlike the other PMs. A man, where the only thing they can taint him is to drop the sodomy charges against him.

The country is going downhill with the current cabinet that does not think about the rakyat and the economy. The only thing that occupies them day and night is “what do I get?”

Do we want this state to continue or do we give Anwar a chance to save the economy and bring something like democracy?

And please don’t use Covid-19 as a convenient excuse not to change the government. Was there no Covid-19 in February 2020 (when the Sheraton Move was passed)?

And the United States? Are they going to stop their elections and allow Donald Trump to remain as president until the next election now that he has Covid-19? I do not think so.

Olxrev: We have Covid-19 cases on the rise across the country, and yet we still dare to force general elections. See how all these politicians are hungry for power.

By then, perhaps half the population is infected with the virus. They don’t care about the nation.

Stop thinking that we still have democracy in this country. We have all been deceived by the government using so-called cash aid to buy our votes. Deep down, they don’t want to lift a finger to serve the rakyat.

Masul: When will this drama end? You’d better stay put rather than face a new group of frogs, as these new frogs are the same group of politicians that we have.

To be smart, let the current government solve the Covid-19 problem first, and when it is solved, they can change the government.

Anonymous4625228289When the country faced its first wave of the pandemic in February, that didn’t stop Muhyiddin and his cronies from launching the Sheraton Move.

Tony_in_HK: He would be willing to give Anwar the opportunity to form the next government. How much worse can it be than a corrupt and incompetent government of Muhyiddin or an administration of Mahathir?

I am also hopeful that not all Umno MPs are beyond redemption. If they commit to supporting a good and just government, the rakyat should give them a chance to prove it.

Light: It’s fun to read comments that Anwar is crazy about power and Anwar just wants to be PM, et cetera.

What political leader is not interested in power? What leader of a political party does not want to be PM?

Was Najib Abdul Razak crazy about power? Isn’t Dr. Mahathir Mohamad crazy about power? Isn’t Muhyiddin crazy about power? Ahmad Zahid Hamidi does not want to be prime minister if there is a chance.

Even a nobody like the former leader of the PKR, Azmin Ali, wants to be prime minister if he gets the chance. If by some miracle the president of the PAS, Abdul Hadi Awang, is offered the position of prime minister, will he say no?

Sixth generation immigrant: Anwar is the same age group in Malaysia who would have read Aesop’s Fables as part of our education. The point here is not whether Anwar now really has the numbers.

It could be true for anyone who cares about hearing such regular announcements. The rakyat had already been considered “fool-eared” several times and so much that in the current repeated statement of the numbers, it could lead to that important punchline: “Because nobody believes that the liar, in truth, even when the liar says the true “.

ZainiHussin: The only way forward for the nation is to be led by a multi-racial representative PM. Otherwise, we are doomed. We are going backwards compared to all the progressive nations in this region.

YOURS | Anwar’s tactic as Muhyiddin under fire from the new wave of Covid

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