Will Anwar’s “reform” become “reformati”?


YOUR OPINION | “How does the hit make Anwar more principled than Muhyiddin?”

Dr. M: If Anwar is successful, he will be under the control of Najib and Zahid.

Proarte: The fundamental question is whether securing “power by any means” from the PKR leader, Anwar Ibrahim, is acceptable. Are there clear lines that DAP and Amanah will not cross? Or is it power at all costs?

The 2018 general election was won on an anti-kleptocracy ticket, a non-racial ‘New Malaysia’ with a needs-based affirmative action policy, rather than one focused on Malay. If Anwar is to depend on the supporters of the Umno kleptocrats, this would betray the will of the rakyat and surrender. ‘reform‘ as ‘Reformed‘.

Anwar (DAP and Amanah also if they accept the supporters of the kleptocrat Umno) would have betrayed the nation if they had brought about the collapse of Perikatan Nasional (PN) due to a game of ‘musical chairs’ provoked by the unprincipled Umno frogs.

Who can say that they will not cause the collapse of the Anwar government in the future, if the incentives offered to defect are inadequate or if the goals change?

The only honorable thing Anwar can do is ask for a vote of no confidence in the Muhyiddin government in Parliament and that the Speaker of the House agree to it.

If the Speaker of the House blocks the “no-confidence” motion to protect Muhyiddin, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong may well refuse to see Anwar, who wants to play the “numbers game” to determine the government of the day.

The Agong, in the setting of a fabricated constitutional crisis, may well call for the dissolution of Parliament, which will result in general elections. This would be the right thing to do for the Agong.

The rakyat can then have a democratic government election, rather than an Anwar government “through the back door.”

Bobby0: Pejuang’s leader, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, was not a bad thing that he got Umno politicians to join his then Bersatu party. But when Anwar decides to work with some at Umno, you object or claim that this may not work.

Do you have the list of Umno politicians who want to support Anwar? Now all we hear is speculation about who is going to support Anwar. There may be surprises in store as to who, in the end, will join Anwar. So, let’s not speculate on this.

In order to prevent Anwar from becoming PM, he has nothing to object to Muhyiddin working with Umno. Look at what you’ve created: a return of all the old politicians in power. The return of all governmental and semi-governmental agencies into the hands of the yes. All of them committed.

So why are you complaining that Anwar is working with some of the Umno politicians? Perhaps with all the powers of the political party coalitions of PKR, Umno, DAP, Amanah, Warisan and even GPS working together, we can finally see peace in the political arena.

Perhaps only then can we focus on addressing the enormous problems facing our nation as a team.

Anwar can be a much better leader than you. He could succeed where you failed miserably. Are you afraid that you will fare better than the 22 years you were in power?

Anwar should have a chance to serve.

Vent: It makes no difference whether we know who the new frogs are or not. What is material is that they have all moved on from Umno and Anwar has embraced them in his eternal desire to be PM. How does that make Anwar more principled than Muhyiddin?

The country is in free fall devised by desperate politicians and helplessly watched by us Malaysians.

PKR was always the weakest link in Harapan, thanks to the ditherer who is now clearly being supported in his quest to be PM by a party of racist and corrupt rogues, perhaps only to have him taken off his feet in a game plan. that he has clearly fallen in love with her newfound “Dutch courage”, gained from drinking at Umno’s Kool-Aid frog fountain.

Warisan leader Shafie Apdal has shown that he is a much more credible leader than Anwar, on any given day.

Mazilamani: What does it matter to Mahathir that Anwar becomes the next PM and is under the control of Najib or Zahid?

Didn’t the Malaysians say the same about him when he was leading Harapan as the seventh MP? Didn’t his assistant say that Mahathir felt too pressured by DAP, which supposedly resulted in his resignation?

Anwar has yet to show the numbers that support him. Therefore, he is not yet the prime minister.

BlueLynx6753: Anwar, without the 42 MP DAP but with 10 to 15 MP from Umno and 11 MP from Amanah, doesn’t even have 60 MP.

Guan Eng seemed to be telling Anwar that “if you got 112, we would support you to be prime minister.” Anwar has played DAP too many times.

Anwar is a desperate man, he is losing support every day, even about 15 of his own PKR 38 MPs are waiting to leave at the right time, disgusted by his leadership.

His image with the public goes from bad to worse because of the many mistakes and stupid comments he has made. Apparently he has made a deal with Najib and Zahid.

So, he thought the best time to attack was just before the Sabah elections (also to undermine Shafie and Warisan Plus by confusing the people of Sabah) and before his date with the Agong, which Anwar knows would not be a event, as he would not be able to prove to the Agong that he has the numbers.

Be a man: One point to consider. Zahid seems to offer too voluntarily and simply the information that “many” Umno MPs are supporting Anwar.

Normally, one would expect a leader of one political party to deny that the party’s deputies are abandoning him for another party.

Therefore, Zahid’s ease in volunteering the information may suggest that Umno is setting Anwar up. Let’s wait and see how this episode unfolds.

OrangePanther1466: If Anwar really has the majority, where are the deputies from?

He has said that his support excluded the Warisan and Mahathir group (that’s a total of 15 MPs). Now GPS and PAS have said they are still compatible with Muhyiddin. Without a doubt, Bersatu with 31 MPs will support Muhyiddin.

At last count, the opposition had 109 MPs (which includes Warisan, Mahathir’s group and three independent MPs). So if Anwar says he has a solid majority, that means that at least 29 MPs from Umno must be supporting Anwar. That’s 75 percent of all Umno MPs.

So Anwar is indeed going to sleep with Umno, as Zahid has confirmed, but he is not getting married, so to speak. So is this a big step to regain the mandate of the rakyat?

Why does everyone crucify Mahathir? Mahathir is an intelligent man who loves this country very much. He only wants the best for us.

RZee: Mahathir should keep quiet. If he didn’t play with Anwar and tried unsuccessfully to blame his defected Bersatu boys, Anwar would be prime minister now, with Harapan still in power.

YOURS | Dr. M is probably the biggest loser, if Anwar was the prime minister

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