Why worry about the immigration issue, Yong berates Guan Eng


Former Sabah CM Yong Teck Lee (left) told Lim Guan Eng that politicians should expect complications in dealing with the authorities and act calmly.

KOTA KINABALU: SAPP Chairman Yong Teck Lee says politicians shouldn’t cause a social media storm every time they have an unpleasant encounter with authorities.

In reaction to a post by DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng, who had claimed that the Immigration Department initially barred him from entering Sabah, Yong said that not all brush with the law should be linked to political motives.

He said politicians must realize that unverified allegations posted on social media could cause unnecessary distress and can be seen as an obstruction to work done by government officials.

“Politicians, especially high-profile ones, should refrain from resorting to social media advertising that may throw up false insinuations of bad motives by government officials,” Yong said in a statement here today.

“Therefore, I call on the Sabah Immigration Department and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to clarify the scandal caused by the former Penang chief minister on social media so that there is no public apprehension about what happened in Kota Kinabalu. International Airport last night. “

Earlier today, Lim said that he was prohibited from entering Sabah last night, before he was finally allowed to enter.

In a Facebook post, the former Finance Minister said he arrived at Kota Kinabalu International Airport at 11:54 p.m. and went through immigration checks.

“When I was about to get into the car (to leave the airport), a senior official from the Immigration Department asked me to go back (to the airport). I collaborated and went to the Immigration Department office, ”Lim said.

He added that immigration officials told him that MACC had prevented him from entering the state.

Subsequently, MACC chief commissioner Azam Baki denied imposing such restrictions on Lim and said there were no national travel restrictions for the former minister, who has been accused of abuse of power and money laundering.

“The court only confiscated his passport so that he cannot leave the country. You can enter Sabah using your identity card, ”Azam said in a news report.

Acting Chief Minister Shafie Apdal expressed surprise after learning of Lim’s experience, saying that the state government had not issued an entry ban against Lim entering Sabah.

In his statement, Yong said that politicians should set a good example and not shout political persecution every time they are investigated.

“The police and MACC have called me to give statements countless times. The MACC and the police have to summon me to take my statements because complaints have been filed against me.

“Just go, make a statement and offer your full cooperation. There is nothing to fear if one has done nothing wrong.

“Those who complain of ‘political persecution’ should not be in politics because being investigated and charged are common occupational hazards in competitive politics.”

At the same time, Yong said that it would be wise for any traveler to be fully aware of the challenges of immigration, customs and security agents in any country.

“In Sabah, whether you are a former Penang or a Sabah prime minister, the same law should apply.

“Speaking from my personal experience, I was also detained by Sabah immigration at KK airport, but there was never a need to make a fuss about it. The officers were just doing their job. “
