Why spend RM220 million on the corporate building of Fame, asks Anwar


Anwar Ibrahim wants to know if the government’s priority is to help farmers or ‘build a palace in Kelaya Jaya’.

KUALA LUMPUR: Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim attacked Putrajaya over a proposed RM 220 million corporate office for the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (Fama) under the 2021 budget.

Anwar (PH-Port Dickson) said that this was a Covid-19 budget and that the money should be used to help poor farmers affected by the pandemic.

“Fama was created to help poor farmers market their products. What is our priority? Is it to help farmers or to build a palace in Kelana Jaya? he asked, referring to the location of the corporate office.

Participating in the debate on the budget allocation of the ministry of agriculture and food industries at the committee stage, Anwar also raised the issue of the controversial land exchanges that occurred during the time of Barisan Nasional.

He said that the construction of the corporate building in Kelana Jaya was part of the land exchange involving Fama in Johor Bahru.

Former Defense Minister Mohamad Sabu said in February last year that the ministry suffered a loss of RM 500 million in 16 land swap deals involving development projects.

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