Why promise something that already exists in Sabah, says Najib


Najib Razak says that “unity” as a key message in his election campaign is a distraction from more pressing issues and also shows that the coalition has nothing to offer.

PETALING JAYA: Former Prime Minister Najib Razak has questioned Warisan Plus’ use of the word “unity” as a key message in its election campaign, saying it could be a distraction from more pressing issues and also showing that the coalition has nothing to offer.

He said that Sabah was already known for the unity and harmonious relationship between the different races in the state even before the 2018 general election (GE14).

“Why does Warisan Plus use the slogan of ‘Unity’ in its election campaign? Why promise something that already exists in Sabah?

“I think it is because Warisan Plus wants to divert attention from their failure to deliver on their promises and to help the Sabahans in this Covid-19 crisis, as well as their inability to take care of the state’s economy.

“If you look closely, Warisan Plus rarely mentions its economic growth history and plans to develop Sabah in its campaign campaigns,” Najib said in a Facebook post today.

Unity has been the main message in a series of posters featuring Shafie Apdal in Sabah in recent weeks.

He noted how promises Warisan made in 2018 remain unfulfilled, such as limiting the prime minister’s term to two terms and that the prime minister should not have the finance portfolio.

Najib said that with the reality that unity and harmony had long been the norm in the state, it only means that Warisan had nothing to offer the people of Sabah.

“This means that you get nothing when you vote for Warisan. You are simply re-electing a government that has been shown to mislead the people with overt promises that are not kept.

“What the Sabahans need is a government that can set a clear direction for Sabah and its economy and save it from the state of having the worst economy among all the states for two years in a row.

“Sabahans need a government that can help them deal with the Covid-19 crisis. They don’t want slogans and sentiments to distract from their (Warisan) failures, ”he said.
