Why are the police so afraid of being recorded? Student leader question


Why are the police so afraid of being recorded? Student leader question

Alfian ZM Tahir

Alfian ZM Tahir

Updated 12 hours ago · Published on November 13, 2020 1:46 PM ·

Student activist Wong Yan Ke asks why the police are afraid of being filmed if they have nothing to hide. – Malaysia Insight photo by Najjua Zulkefli, November 13, 2020.

WONG Yan Ke, who was charged today with disobeying a police order to stop recording them during a raid, questioned why police officers are so afraid of being recorded if they have nothing to hide.

Speaking to reporters moments after he was indicted in the Petaling Jaya magistrates court this morning for allegedly disobeying a public official, a former president of the Malaya University New Youth Association (Umany) insisted he did not obstruct anyone while recording.

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