When our leaders ignore Rukun Negara


YOUR OPINION | ‘Morality starts from above, not from below …’

Halimah: Let us revive the spirit of appreciation for Rukun Negara

Doc: Politicians from Perikatan Nasional (PN) are now promoting Rukun Negara in view of “Unity Month”.

This “Unity Month” is the only time of the year when our politicians promote peace, understanding and unity among all Malaysians before re-promoting racial and religious division for the rest of the year.

I can say that almost all Malaysians adhere to the Rukun Negara principles, which have been instilled in the soul of Malaysia. But there is a caveat in following these principles: They do not apply to NP politicians who flaunt and go against the sacred principles of this nation.

For example, they break the principle “Kedaulatan Undang Undang”. Former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, former Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, former Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, Baling’s MP Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim and Kinabatangan Assemblyman Bung Moktar Radin face corruption charges.

A new addition to this group is the Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali, for breaking the Covid-19 quarantine protocol and is now hailed as a hero by his party, PAS.

Ignoring the “Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan” principle, well, there is PAS MP Pasir Puteh Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh, who is now an expert in telling non-Muslims how to practice their faith.

Not to mention the gang of those who interrupt Umno in Parliament: MP Pasir Salak Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, Azeez, Bung Moktar and the rest.

Rupert16: Our wish for Malaysia Day is that those in power:

1) Respect and do not insult other people’s religion and culture.

2) Do not practice double standards in the application of the law, that is, equal justice for all, regardless of position.

3) Take care of all Malaysians and not just a certain race.

4) Develop government policies to help the poor, regardless of their race or religion.

Kawak: Minister of National Unity, Halimah Mohamed Sadique, please do not waste time, resources and taxpayers’ money trying to forge racial unity by creating task forces, councils and so on.

There was a time in the Department of National Unity under the Prime Minister’s Office. None of that came out.

Politicians speak of unity only during Merdeka Day, Malaysia Day or when speaking to an audience at an ethnic minority festival. Apart from that, they indulge in playing racial and religious cards to fish for votes.

As long as there is no political will to forge unity, this call for racial harmony is just empty rhetoric.

R Venugopal: In fact, this is all talk and nothing more, usually in August and September of each year.

From then on, all leaders show the true colors, where their priority is race, religion and power. Each time, the words used by politicians are “race and religion”(Race and religion) but not of unity or harmony.

For the past 60 years, the drive has been perfunctory – meetings only take place during each holiday season, which are funded by taxpayers. Real unity only appears when everyone is treated as Malaysian.

ProMalasia: Betraying the trust of the voter and becoming a ‘traitorThe prime minister (traitor) is definitely against our principles Rukun Negara.

How are you going to ask the rakyat to practice Rukun Negara when the leaders are the ones who break their principles, like indulging in corruption, owning hundreds of Birkin bags, treating 1MDB money as your own, etc.?

Morality starts from the top, not the bottom.

FairMalaysian: Yeah, maybe you should start with the one who said he’s Malay first. Next, dismantle all single-run matches, starting with Umno.

We ordinary people get along, but these scoundrel politicians are the ones who are dividing society for their political gain.

He came to the crowd, a multiracial crowd, seeking his votes. They gave him their votes but showed his true colors after winning. He abandoned those who elected him and their reason: Malays and Malaysian unity is more important than Malaysian unity.

Cheeky, right? And you know what: when he became backdoor prime minister, he declared that he was the prime minister of all Malaysians. So find out what’s wrong with this country.

The Saint: I think most Malaysians still have the Malaysian spirit. On a daily basis, you still see a lot of camaraderie between the middle and lower class.

People stop to help in an accident, to help the elderly or disabled cross roads, give to charities or donate when they read about someone’s situation in the newspapers. The list goes on and on, regardless of race or religion.

It’s probably around 20 to 30 percent, especially the wealthiest segment of all races, those whose survival depends on the politics of race and religion, who don’t subscribe to the spirit of Rukun Negara. My only concern is that this segment may be growing.

It is time for 70 percent of us to show the rest that there is greater joy in living in harmony, respecting the religion of others, defending the rule of law regardless of whether the person is a minister or not, respecting the Constitution, including the role of the monarchy to be the custodian of the nation, and all the things that bring a positive outcome for us as a nation.

PeakyBlinder: For me, patriotism is more than being aware of the Rukun Negara. It takes a true sense of understanding of our identity as Malaysians.

There has to be a more comprehensive and holistic method of integrating civics among students than simply including civics in the school curriculum.

When people don’t have a sense of attachment to their home country, it’s hard to expect a few paragraphs of words to be kept seriously.

BlueBison5323: One of the principles of Rukun Negara is Kedaulatan Undang-Undang. So when is he going to accuse the minister who broke the quarantine? Walk with the talk.

The goodness of a pudding is in the taste, not the decoration.

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