What if Trump wins? | The star


IF Donald Trump wins reelection as president of the United States, among the first things he will do is fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s leading virus expert. Fauci has been a stick in Trump’s path since the pandemic broke out, telling the truth and contradicting Trump’s endless lies, making him wildly popular with the American public and therefore impossible to fire until Trump win your second and final term.

Counting the underreporting, about 300,000 Americans have died in the pandemic according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. If the masks and social distancing had been in place, about half the number would have perished. By the time an effective vaccine and / or therapeutics take over, it could well be the middle of next year.

Trump would continue to poke fun at masks and social distancing. Roughly a million Americans could die by the middle of next year if he continues his macho and reckless antics. MAGA is Trump’s catchphrase, which stands for Make America Great Again. If Trump wins, he will explicitly become MWAGA, which has been all along, albeit implicitly, during his first term and which means Make White America Great Again.

Trump’s Gestapo police (and I don’t use the word lightly) have been killing an innocent African-American every week. Expect that rate to double or even triple in Trump’s second term. Trump’s border guards will separate more and more babies from their parents and put them in cages, where many will spend their entire childhoods. Trump has imposed some of the most devastating sanctions on any country in history, on Iran.

Yet Iran defies and survives. Trump almost attacked Iran in his first term. This time, prompted by Israel and Saudi Arabia, it will go all the way. There will be a ruthless war in the Middle East. Iran is not Iraq or Afghanistan. They have even beaten the United States. Iran will give the United States a hiding place it will never forget. If climate change is as damaging as many people advocate, expect the world to say goodbye to itself because a second term from Trump would prove disastrous for the planet.

Trump has rejected science during the pandemic just as he has mocked global warming. If you win, you will feel vindicated for your stance on climate change. The world has been horrified during his first term as he has continually scoffed at climate change. There are not many world leaders who really want to do something effective against climate change, even though they might talk lip service.

They have taken Trump’s inaction against climate change as an excuse to do nothing either. Trump’s second term and his continued inaction will give them more excuses. Trump has coddled dictators like Putin, Kim and Xi and despised his democratic Western allies. That’s because Trump is a dictator.

The gulf between Europe and America will continue to grow. Trump will ignore his Western allies on Iran and climate change. They will be wringing their hands in despair as the world’s 800-pound gorilla continues to behave like mad. The United States has been falling off a cliff since the collapse of the Soviet Union and there was no one left to counter its depredations. The decline accelerated after September 11. Now the fall will become a fall. Instead of making America great again, a second Trump term could cause it to collapse.

Is there something positive coming out of Trump’s second term? Yes, the economy will recover faster with him than with Joe Biden. Biden will be very careful about reopening the economy. Death rates from the pandemic will matter more to you than economic growth rates or stock market surges.

For Trump, it would be the exact opposite. It will force the economy to open up before it is ready to do so. Growth and the stock market will skyrocket, but at the cost of many American lives. But Trump doesn’t care much about the lives of Americans, as he has already shown in his handling of the pandemic. Biden seems like a good and decent man, even if he seems to be limping for the workers in his party who will force him to make radical leftist decisions.

The United States is a center-right country for the most part, and decisions that come from the left wing may not be to the liking of the population. Biden also seems certain that he will change everything Trump has done. Trump has brought the United States closer to his allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia, whom Obama had rejected for Iran. Expect Biden to do what Obama did. America could run out of real friends in the Middle East under Biden. The Middle East always seems like a dangerous place at best. Why do it more? – The Statesman / Asia News Network

The writer is an energy expert and regularly contributes to publications in India and abroad.
