We’ll fix things in Sabah, says LDP’s Chong


Chong Kah Kiat, who is also an honorary lifetime president of the PLD, has confirmed his return to active politics after leaving the post of vice minister in 2008.

KOTA KINABALU: Former Sabah Chief Minister Chong Kah Kiat confirmed his return to active politics today, vowing to fix things in the state if his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) receives the people’s mandate in the next state elections.

The honorary lifetime president of the PLD said he was tired of the current political situation in the country, particularly in Sabah, and the deterioration of the economy and social aspects in the state, especially regarding the presence of illegal immigrants.

“Sabahans have every right to get angry with all the shameful fans of the party, the political toads,” he said, referring to state assemblymen who had repeatedly switched sides.

“If we don’t allow our emotions to cloud our feelings and judgments, I think we should not only condemn all these latest political frogs, but also the party that accepted them in the first place.

“There will be no political frogs if there is no party that accepts them. It is these ‘frog gatherers’ that give Sabah a bad name. “

Chong is returning to these state elections after being out of politics after stepping down as vice minister in 2008.

He campaigned for Barisan Nasional (BN) on GE14.

Chong said the PLD, which he founded with others in 1989, was free to chart its own course in the next elections as an independent entity.

He previously said that the PLD was only allowed to occupy the majority Chinese seats.

“LDP is no longer under BN. For the first time in our 31 years of political struggle, we have invited fellow Sabahans from our Muslim communities to join us and offer the people another option in these elections.

“LDP will announce its full team of candidates near the day of the nomination (September 12). It will be a great combination of the young and the experienced, ”he said.

Chong said that if he and his party were elected to lead the state, they would bring Sabah “back to its glorious past.”

“It will be a Sabah that is neither harsh nor wasteful. It will be harmonious, vibrant and will not be controlled by PTIs (illegal immigrants).

“The PLD will not make promises that it cannot keep, we always lead by example,” he said.

He also outlined LDP’s plans to engage with the federal government on Sabah’s rights in terms of oil royalties and the completion of a new rail link, among others.

“The list goes on and on and Sabahans have received nothing but warm air from the Warisan Plus government.”

Chong was the prime minister of Sabah from 2001 to 2003 during the previous CM rotation system.
