We have come a long way in the Covid fight, let’s not stay out of the end game


MALAYSIA He got off to a good start in his war against the Covid-19 pandemic under the direction of the Director General of Health, Tan Sri, Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah (photo).

With a medical expert leading the fight, we have seen a systematic approach to curbing the spread of the virus.

We have been able to contain the contagion through the rapid detection of new Covid-19 clusters and the rapid follow-up of people exposed to the infection using contact tracing applications.

It was good of us to put our trust in a professional to do the job. So far, there has been no misstep in our approach.

Let’s not hesitate, as we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel with a global initiative aimed at working with vaccine manufacturers to give countries around the world equitable access to safe and effective vaccines, once licensed. and approval.

Covax, the vaccine pillar of the Covid-19 Access Tool Accelerator, is co-led by the Coalition for Outbreak Preparedness Innovations, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the World Health Organization (WHO).

It has joined forces with vaccine manufacturers in developed and developing countries. It is also working with governments and manufacturers to ensure that vaccines are available globally for the highest and lowest income countries.

But Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Adham Baba said Malaysia is in no rush to get vaccinated. As we play the waiting game, countries are signing up for the Covax Facility. As of yesterday, 170 countries are on board the facility.

Covax’s goal is to deliver two billion doses of safe and effective vaccines that have passed regulatory approval with WHO prequalification by the end of 2021.

These vaccines will be offered equally to all participating countries, in proportion to their populations. Health workers will be given priority before covering vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and people with pre-existing diseases.

Then more doses will be made available based on the country’s needs, vulnerability, and Covid-19 threat.

The Covax facility will also maintain a dose reserve for humanitarian and emergency use, including treating severe outbreaks before they spiral out of control.

By not participating in this, we have to rely on emergency doses in the event of an outbreak on a catastrophic scale. There is a deadline of September 18 for us to join and meet our binding commitments.

This global initiative could be the end of our fight against the virus.

Read this story on our iPaper: We’ve come a long way in the Covid fight, let’s not be left out of the endgame
