We continue to support Anwar for PM, Mat Sabu reminds Amanah members


Mohamad Sabu says the party’s focus should be on “attacking” the NP government, not the opposition leaders. (Facebook photo)

PETALING JAYA: Amanah President Mohamad Sabu today reiterated the party’s position to support Anwar Ibrahim as Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) candidate for prime minister in case the coalition recovers Putrajaya.

“People have asked me, ‘Who do we want to support?’ I want to tell you here, 11 Amanah MPs have signed a statutory declaration to (appoint) Anwar as prime minister, ”he said during the closing of the Amanah national convention in Melaka today.

He urged the rank and file of the party to move forward in the search for as many people as possible to strengthen the support of the 108 MPs obtained by PH during the budget vote last month.

However, Mohamad, or Mat Sabu, as he is popularly known, did not want the party leadership to think too much about seats and positions, instead urging them to continue to focus on capturing various states in which the party could have a good performance.

“We will review the seats after the (next) general elections.

“There is an opportunity in Penang because the racial problems in the state since 2008 have diminished, and Umno and his ally PAS seem to be struggling,” he said.

The Kota Raja MP also expressed frustration with various quarters who had repeatedly criticized Anwar and Dr. Mahathir Mohamad for the perception that PH did not govern well during the 22 months in power of the coalition.

“It saddens me that Anwar and Mahathir’s image has deteriorated in recent months. I am upset by the criticism against Anwar and Mahathir.

“Our focus should be on attacking the PN (Perikatan Nasional) government. If these (criticisms) continue, the ones who will benefit are the traitors, ”he said.

In closing his speech, he urged the rank and file of Amanah to put aside their egos and close ranks with allies in PH to jointly win back the hearts of the voters.

“I want to ask you. If we are sitting alone, can we win the (general) election later?”
