We are all agents of national unity, Muhyiddin tells M’sians.


PETALING JAYA: Empathy for fellow humans despite their creed of fighting the invisible enemy during the Covid-19 pandemic has shown that we are all agents of the nation’s unity, says Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (Photo).

In his virtual presentation speech of the National Unity Policy and the 2021-2030 National Unity Plan on Monday (February 15), the Prime Minister also said that such an attitude has also managed to sideline politicians who manipulate sentiments. races for his political achievements.

Muhyiddin, who was virtually accompanied by the Minister of National Unity Datuk Halimah Sadique and his deputy Datuk Ti Lian Ker, said that the National Unity Policy of the Ministry of National Unity and based on Rukun Negara, was formulated to invest in the long term in the unity between the races. cultures and religion to create a strong nation.

“The search for unity is a journey, not a destination.

“We must correct our intention and strengthen our efforts to ensure that the country is united, not only for the current generation, but also for future generations of our children and grandchildren.

“Unity is the burning desire of all the countries of this world. The image of Malaysia as a country of diverse ethnicities, religions and cultures is always an example of a united country. Despite the fact that we have differences, competition and conflicts, our long-standing social unity in our society has kept our unity intact to this day that many other countries want to learn from us.

“Unity among Malaysians was most evident in reality when the country was affected by challenges and problems. At a time when we were faced with the waves of Covid-19, we saw the spirit of unity of all Malaysians regardless of their race and religion.

With the slogan #KitaJagaKita, the rakyat helped the government spread a positive message to support the movement’s control order and adhere to the SOPs.

“It is obvious that Malaysians are patriots as we unite in our hearts to fight the invisible enemy. We are patriots because we want harmony and we long for unity in this country.

“Congratulations to the Malaysians for this unity! If this spirit of unity and mutual aid is maintained, I am confident that we can overcome any future challenges.

The Prime Minister said that during the pandemic, Malaysians have shown their unity through their empathy in caring for and helping each other regardless of their race and religion.

He also applauded the leaders who worked hard to treat everyone during the Covid-19 crisis.

“We need to tend more to this empathy in our efforts to understand racial issues in a more balanced and healthy perspective.

“Like other multiracial countries, we only see racial issues from the angle of certain races and groups. This perspective must be improved so that it is comprehensive and nurtured through the educational system and the media.

“We must also be aware of the manipulation of racial sentiments by politicians. This is the main challenge of almost all multiracial countries. Political actors try to rise up by exploiting racial sentiments, which we must avoid, ”Muhyiddin said.

He warned that the government will not compromise on anything that threatens the unity of the nation.

He explained that the National Unity Policy is in line with the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030, Malaysia’s Five-Year Plan and other existing policies.

“Unity in diversity based on the integration model is what we want for Malaysia. This is because history has shown that Malaysians have accepted that this country is diverse and of diverse races, religions and cultures.

“Because of this diversity, efforts to unite this country must be complemented by ongoing integration efforts,” Muhyiddin said.

He noted that the three goals are to strengthen national unity and integration on the basis of the Federal Constitution and Rukun Negara, create a national identity, and mold Malaysians who appreciate and practice unity.

The National Unity Policy and the National Unity Plan 2021-2030 will be implemented by the Ministry of National Unity of the Prime Minister’s Department.

The National Unity Policy is available at https://www.perpaduan.gov.my/index.php?id=15&page_id=67.
