Watch your words, PKR youth leader tells DAP counterparts


The opposition failed to garner the minimum support of 15 MPs to stand for a bloc vote on the 2021 budget on Thursday.

PETALING JAYA: A PKR youth leader warned his DAP counterparts not to cross the line after one of them demanded opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim to apologize for abandoning opposition to the second reading of the federal budget.

DAP Youth Leader Teh Hoong Keat, who is its national secretary, also called for the dissolution of Pakatan Harapan (PH) in case Anwar does not apologize for instructing against a bloc vote on the 2021 budget in the Dewan Rakyat on Thursday.

PH leaders have come under heavy criticism after the opposition failed to rally the support of 15 deputies to force a bloc vote.

This subsequently led to the budget being approved in Dewan Rakyat through a voice vote.

In a statement, the head of the Selangor PKR Youth, Najwan Halimi, said that PH lost control of the government when Anwar was not in cabinet and as such it was unfair that he now has to bear the entire burden.

He added that for the past 20 years, Anwar had helped strengthen ties between opposition parties.

“DAP Juventud and its secretary should not cross the line with unreasonable statements before referring to the leaders of their own party,” he said, adding that such a comment was unnecessary.

“Let’s refocus on helping our leadership return the mandate to the people and retake Putrajaya.”
