Watch: WINNER’s Song Mino Reveals His Unique And Maximalist Home


WINNER’s Song Mino revealed his home on tvN’s “On and Off”!

On the October 31 broadcast of “On and Off,” “Song Mino” shared a look at the house where he lives alone. His family lives next door, and the two houses share a patio. Song Mino’s house is divided into the space that he uses daily (second floor) and the space where he keeps the pretty items he collects (first floor), like a gallery. He had many beautiful dishes on display in his kitchen, and explained that those dishes were only meant to be viewed and not used.

Song Mino ate breakfast at his family’s home and went to his garage, which he had transformed into an art studio. He showed himself painting a series of self-portraits and shared that six of his art pieces were exhibited at the Saatchi Gallery in London. Regarding when he began to draw, he explained: “There is always at least one student in the class who can draw well, and that was me. After my debut, I wanted to start drawing seriously, so I studied drawing on my own. “

After painting, Song Mino headed to his living room, which was full of disorganized things. His friend Block B’s PO came over and helped him clean up, but PO was quickly upset when Song Mino kept taking things out to look at instead of putting away.

After tidying up the room, the two friends barbecued on the patio. Song Mino was in charge of grilling the meat, so PO went in to find some dishes. When he took out two of the plates that Song Mino had on display, Song Mino angrily told him to return them and take the usable plates. After finishing their meal, they headed to Song Mino’s music studio to have their own karaoke party.

Check out the highlights from Song Mino’s segment on “On and Off” below!

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