Watch: Sung Hoon plays various characters in the first video for the new YouTube channel


Sung Hoon has launched a new YouTube channel!

On April 29, the actor launched a new channel called “Sung Hoon’s Date Who?” and uploaded his first video. The video was titled “Which Character Will You Pick Today?” and features Sung Hoon playing the characters of a crown prince, a royal bodyguard, a miniature prince, a chef, and a mystery man.

As the crown prince awaits his coronation, he says, “Do you think I deserve this position of power? I am but a weak human. As a bodyguard in love with the rule, he promises, “I will protect you.” Like the newt prince who has lost his voice, he says: “I will sing. Until my voice reaches the ends of the earth, so you can hear it. As the perfectionist chef, he says out loud: “We are what we eat. So cooking is the most honest job we can do, the most basic, the most productive. “As the mystery man says,” I gave you everything but you can’t say a single word to say you like me. ” Because now everything is mine. “

Near the end of the video, Sung Hoon asks, “Who are you going to date today?” But the video ends humorously with a snapshot of Sung Hoon practicing his lines and exclaiming in frustration, “What kind of claim is that?”

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