Warisan VP follows up on promise of a bird’s nest house for Veveonah’s family


KOTA KINABALU: Parti Warisan Sabah Vice President Datuk Junz Wong is making good on his promise to help the Veveonah Mosibin family have a free bird’s nest by sending an officer from the state Department of Veterinary Services to visit them.

Wong, in a Facebook post on Tuesday (September 8), said that the officer named Jobit and a local community leader, Maklin Masiau, went to Kampung Sapatalang, Pitas, over the weekend to conduct suitability tests. of the area to build the birds. nest house.

“The results are very positive. The place is very suitable for building a bird’s nest house.

“When Jobit amplified the sound of the swiftlets (through a speaker), many swiftlets were drawn to the area,” Wong said.

It also corrected the statement by Kudat MP Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri, in a now deleted post, that the family stayed in the village, contrary to what Rahim claims.

“The fact is that Veveonah and his family stayed in that kampung (village).

“His father touches rubber to boost the family income. They live in difficult conditions in the most rural area of ​​Pitas. There are photos and videos as proof, “Wong explained.

Veveonah and his family are among those who qualify for the government’s free bird nest program, added the interim state minister of agriculture and food industry.

“Veveonah’s fighting spirit and her resistance to wanting to improve the living conditions of her family and its inhabitants have touched my heart.

“This spirit and endurance, I believe, should be emulated by Sabahans so that we can all progress and raise our standard of living together as Sabahans.

“Through this bird’s nest house, Veveonah and his family may one day venture into the lucrative bird’s nest industry, just like the other 150 recipients who got their bird’s nest house free in 2019,” he added.

Wong said that depending on the grade, the raw bird’s nest can cost between RM8,000 and RM20,000 per kg.

“This is a very lucrative industry.

“For Veveonah’s benefit, the geographic location of Pitas is also very suitable for breeding salangans. Salangans are attracted to the Pitas area and it can be a nest for birds,” he added.
