Waiting for a better year ahead


KUALA LUMPUR: Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah have expressed their hope that the arrival of a Covid-19 vaccine could flatten the pandemic curve and break the chain of virus transmission in Malaysia.

The Comptroller of the Royal House of Istana Negara Datuk Ahmad Fadil Shamsuddin said the King and Queen hope that the people will be patient and resolute in facing the pandemic, and prayed for the country’s recovery.

“Their Majesties also take this opportunity to express their gratitude to the Almighty who has granted Malaysia peace and unity despite the fact that throughout the year 2020, the country we love was hit by various trials,” he said yesterday in a statement. .

Extending New Years greetings to all Malaysians, Their Majesties advised people to always ensure the safety and health of themselves and their families by complying with the standard operating procedure (SOP) set by the government. Ahmad Fadil said that Their Majesties were concerned for the target people and felt all their difficulties, especially those who lost their loved ones or sources of income due to the pandemic.

“The King and Queen always want the well-being of the people to be protected and that depends on the political and administrative stability of the country,” he added.

In an effort to maintain stability, Their Majesties once again advised all parties, especially politicians, to tone down political agendas and tensions by working together and focusing on the well-being of the people and the economic recovery of the country. “The challenges we went through in the past year should serve as a lesson to improve ourselves, our families, our community and the country as a whole,” said Their Majesties.

Sultan Abdullah and Tunku Azizah also prayed for peace, racial harmony, economic prosperity and the well-being of the people who always adhere to the principles of Rukun Negara and the Federal Constitution.

“Allah SWT always helps those who strive. In the spirit of unity and endurance, we can face all challenges and trials together. May the year 2021 be blessed by Allah SWT ”, said Their Majesties.

The King and Queen also asked all to pray that the country is always protected from all forms of threats and is blessed with lasting unity and prosperity.

Meanwhile, Umno Vice President Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan said vaccination of all Malaysians should be accelerated in 2021 without delay, regardless of where they are.

This, he said, would definitely be a major medical and logistical challenge for the government.

“As such, an emergency approval process for the use of the Covid-19 vaccine should be considered, similar to other countries, without compromising public health and safety.

“The current conditional approval process is not in line with the global standard for immediate emergency approval.

“Although we have no experience in dealing with this extraordinary situation, with technology, dedication and the patriotic spirit of Malaysia, InsyaAllah (God willing) we will be able to execute our plans.

“This national vaccination initiative will be a litmus test for the government’s ability to rule the nation,” he said in his New Year’s message.

While wishing Malaysians a happy new year, Mohamad hoped that 2021 would be more productive and fruitful for everyone.

“We will not forget the challenges and difficulties we face in extraordinary circumstances in 2020,” he said.

Mohamad also hoped the government could focus on revitalizing the economy and opening borders, adding that it was impossible for Malaysia to survive in isolation for too long.

Police Inspector General Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador said all Royal Malaysian Police personnel stood firm and committed to protecting the population despite the risk of Covid-19 during a tumultuous year.

“Such a sacrifice is justified to guarantee the safety of the people. Police personnel who ignore their own concern for the public good should be commended.

“We must pray to Allah to protect us from any form of danger. May our sacrifice be rewarded by the Almighty, ”he said in his New Year’s message.

The country’s top policeman, who wished all Malaysians a Happy New Year, said 2020 had put everyone to the test with the emergence of an unexpected enemy, Covid-19, which had killed more than 1.8 million people in all the world.

“The spread of the virus forced the government to implement the movement control order on March 18.

“The MCO, which went through several phases, is a smart move to ensure the safety and well-being of the rakyat and the economy.

“The police were given the mandate to be the leading enforcement agency on the front line to discipline and educate people on how to adhere to the SOP,” he said.

While there were many men and women in the police force who were willing to sacrifice their lives to defend the country, there were also some who would sell their self-esteem and played on the image of force by engaging in acts of corruption and abuse of power. said the IGP.

“We established the PDRM Anti-Corruption Plan to regain public trust in the police force. We hope the plan is fully accepted by everyone in the police force, ”he said.
