Verify Tiong’s allegations, says Sabah union


Covid-19 front line in Sabah. Bintulu MP Tiong King Sing has alleged that there is discontent with the director general of health, Noor Hashim Abdullah.

KOTA KINABALU: The allegations by Bintulu MP Tiong King Sing about the condition of Sabah health workers must be verified and not simply ignored, said Sabah Medical Services Union President Ajulahin Japin.

Ajulahin, who is also the secretary of Sabah Cuepacs, said the union appreciates that the parties highlight the problems of the workers with genuine intention and that the best way to learn the real facts of the case is to go to the ground.

“We have received complaints from health workers, especially during a critical situation like Covid-19 now and we channel the complaints to the Ministry of Health, and we receive feedback on how to improve the situation.

“Our interest is the well-being of our healthcare workers, while also providing feedback to health authorities on how to improve the well-being of workers, for example overtime claims and allowances must be paid accordingly,” he said. when Bernama contacted him today.

On Wednesday, a commotion broke out in Dewan Rakyat’s session when Tiong asked why the Director General of Health, Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, did not go to the field to see for himself the Covid-19 situation in Kota Kinabalu and said that “DG takut mati” (he was afraid of dying).

Ajulahin described the language used by Tiong as unnecessary. However, the union was willing to accompany any politician to identify areas that needed more attention, especially for health workers here, although working conditions are improving.

“We are always in contact with our colleagues, especially those at the forefront of this pandemic, we are aware of the tremendous pressure and stress that our healthcare workers are facing at this time. Any effort to reduce work stress is welcome.

“Working a 12-hour shift can be very stressful, and despite that, our healthcare workers are still performing well beyond the call of duty. We must thank the many NGOs and individuals who have volunteered to contribute PPE (personal protective equipment) and food, ”he said.

He said the union is grateful to the different heads of health facilities in Sabah for taking good care of health workers in Sabah and other states in the country.

“Some workers are concerned about the loss of their accrued annual leave, as a request for an extension of the validity period was sent to the Department of Public Services, but they have not yet received a response,” he said.

