Various factors taken into account in the poverty eradication program


KUALA LUMPUR: The poverty eradication program in the country has been implemented not only taking into account racial and ethnic composition, but also various other factors in efforts to create fair and equal opportunities for all.

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said it is also to ensure that the country’s wealth can be distributed and enjoyed by the people equally.

“The policy of the Perikatan Nasional government is to implement a comprehensive poverty eradication program and this takes into account the disparities between Bumiputra and non-Bumiputera, regional and non-regional areas, including Sabah and Sarawak, after various initiatives carried out previously.”

He said this in response to Senator Datuk Razali Idris who wanted to know the initiatives taken by the government to address the problems of poverty in Kelantan, Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak.

The Prime Minister said that the emphasis given by the government to efforts to improve the socio-economic status of Bumiputera does not mean that the government is neglecting the non-bumiputeras, hence the creation of the Shared Prosperity Vision policy that it took on. consideration of everyone’s interests. Races

“However, the bumiputeras are the majority with almost 70% of the total population of the country, and that is why the government focuses on them to develop the economy as a whole,” he said.

Muhyiddin, however, said that the government has always been concerned about the problems faced by non-bumiputeras and would not neglect them, especially in terms of poverty.

“We cannot neglect them or let them live in poverty because they are not bumiputeras, we cannot just help Malaysians get richer. We can not. We must have a fair policy for all races in the country, “he said.

Muhyiddin said that one of the problems facing the government in efforts to eradicate poverty is the lack of a database that has comprehensive information on Bumiputera’s current achievements in various economic sectors.

To that end, he said that the government had established the Bumiputera Agenda Steering Unit (Teraju) under the Prime Minister’s Department, as the secretariat to coordinate and direct the Bumiputera agenda in an attempt to increase the participation of the bumiputera economy.

Additionally, in order to boost the bumiputera economy, Muhyiddin said that the focus would also be given to its participation in certain sectors, such as industrial, banking, manufacturing and electronics, where the government could identify its weaknesses and introduce certain initiatives to ensure that it will not lag behind compared to other races.

In response to Razali’s question about the effectiveness of the Bumiputera Prosperity Council (MKB), the Prime Minister said that Bumiputera’s poverty rate stood at 7.2% in 2019, while the unemployment rate for the second quarter of this year it was 5.2% compared to the national rate. 5.1% average.

He said that Bumiputera’s equity stake in the corporate sector was only 16.2% in 2015 compared to non-Bumiputera at 30.7% and foreign ownership at 45.3%.

As such, he said that the MKB is the highest platform to renew and strengthen all of Bumiputera’s socio-economic development plans.

“The creation of the council was part of the strategic intervention framework to direct and accelerate the empowerment of the Bumiputera economy through capacity and capacity building efforts in various programs.

“To ensure that the council achieves its objectives, it will be supported by two committees, namely the Steering Committee to be chaired by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Special Functions) and the Working Committee to be chaired by the CEO of Teraju.

“Both committees will meet periodically and will involve all relevant executing agencies. For the information of the Senate, the council has called its first meeting on August 11, 2020, ”he said.

According to Muhyiddin, the achievements of the ministry, as well as relevant agencies and non-governmental organizations in mobilizing the empowerment agenda of Bumiputera, would be monitored and evaluated through a framework of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that will involve all the heads of the relevant agencies. – Named
