US Warned By Global Times: Using Drones To Attack China’s Nansha Is An Act Of War


BEIJING, September 29: The United States has been warned by China Global times that if he used MQ-9 Reaper drones to attack the Nansha Islands, the Chinese army would strike back.

“We must warn the US side: attacking China’s Nansha Islands or other Chinese targets using MQ-9 Reaper drones is an act of war. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will surely strike back, causing the US military to pay a heavy price, ”said a state-linked Global Times editorial.

The warning came after the US military reportedly planned to send MQ-9 Reaper drones to launch attacks on three islands and reefs off Nansha, bombing runways and hangars.

The news portal noted that there was speculation that the Trump administration could try to boost his re-election campaign by creating a military crisis.

He added: “But using drones to attack Chinese targets is a real war that destroys the peace … For China, that is an invasion and a war aggression. Our only option is to hit bullies hard and teach them a lesson they will never forget.

“China will shoot down approaching American fighter jets, regardless of whether they are unmanned or not … The American military and politicians in Washington must take our warnings seriously and have no strategic misjudgment that they can do what they want and China will swallow the anger. ”
