US Court USA Dismisses New York nurses’ petition for protection COVID-19


(Reuters) – A US district court. USA On Friday, it rejected the request of an association of nurses against the state of New York and two hospitals to provide security teams and take measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 among its members, asking the parties to reach a friendly agreement.

Last month, the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA) sued the New York Department of Health, Montefiore Medical Center and the parent company of Westchester Medical Center, saying that hospitals ignored the requirements that workers in the health receive a respirator mask N95 daily, and that the health department was not applying it.

The Court said the parties are in a better position than the court to reach a resolution, adding that the court lacks the authority to address the nursing association’s concerns.

“Presumably, both parties share the ultimate goal of maximizing protections for healthcare workers on the front lines of the battle against a vicious disease without compromising patient care,” said the US District Judge for the Southern District of New York, Jesse Fruman, in the process.

“The parties are clearly in a better position than the Court or an arbitrator to find the best ways to achieve that goal despite limited resources and ever-changing circumstances,” Fruman said.

The judge also asked the health department and hospitals to take swift action to accommodate the nurses’ requests. The state and two hospitals had previously said they were taking the necessary steps to protect health workers.

The judge said that if the two parties fail to reach a friendly resolution, they can speed up a judicial process.

As of May 1, more than 164,000 people in the state have tested positive for COVID-19 respiratory disease, with approximately 13,000 deaths confirmed by the viral disease.

(Aakriti Bhalla report in Bangalore; Tom Hogue edition)
