US County Mayor Will Not Require You To Wear Masks Until The ‘Holy Spirit’ Guides You


TENNESSEE, USA (ANN): The mayor of a county in Tennessee, USA, said that he will not require citizens to wear masks unless the Holy Spirit says so.

Lincoln County Mayor Bill Newman revealed his views in an interview with Alabama Local News published today, November 19. However, he emphasized that he was not against science.

“(The virus) is science and it’s true and I think masking helps prevent its spread. But I don’t think I should force people to wear masks right now, ”he said.

Despite this, he stressed that he was closely watching the COVID-19 situation in Lincoln County, which has about 34,000 residents. So far it has logged 1,322 infections to date, according to the report.

Newman shared that he seeks God’s guidance whenever he has to make an important decision.

“The Holy Spirit dwells within us. It’s a heart thing. It is not a question of the mind. But you’re using all your God-given (talents), your physical or mental or spiritual, all of those things. When I pray for guidance, I may not know the answer right away, ”he said.

Residents, however, were unhappy with Newman’s feelings, according to the report. An administrator of the Facebook group page MaskUpLincolnCounty told the news outlet that “there is a lot of anger.”

The aforementioned administrator, named Kay Campbell, noted that citizens felt Newman was “ducking behind the Holy Spirit” rather than taking “a leadership opportunity.” – Philippine Daily Inquirer / Asia News Network
