Urgent reforms in education and employment are needed, says Syed Saddiq


A report has found that the Malaysian labor market suffers from a mismatch between the skills of workers and the types of jobs available. (Photo by Bernama)

PETALING JAYA: Former Youth Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman has called for much-needed reform of the education and employment systems, as young job seekers are reported to have increasing difficulties in obtaining jobs that suit their capabilities and qualifications.

Syed Saddiq said that “it is time for the government to work on a matchmaking scheme in which demand from companies is linked to courses taught at universities.”

He said science courses in Malaysia often left many qualified graduates working outside the industry or forced to look for work abroad.

More needs to be done to facilitate hands-on industry training as well, Syed Saddiq told FMT when commenting on a report from a Singapore institute that says Malaysia’s labor market suffers from a mismatch between worker skills and available jobs. .

Former Youth Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman.

“I believe that if our universities want to move forward and be leaders in producing good quality graduates, those universities can create college assistance programs to help students be exposed to the practical skills they need,” he said.

Syed Saddiq also advocated for the promotion of technical and vocational education and training (TVET), as the employment rate of TVET graduates is 10-15% higher than their university counterparts.

“The acceptance rate for TVET is extremely high, but the enrollment rate for such programs remains disappointingly low,” he said, adding that the government “must reach out to parents and students and introduce them to TVET and the future that lies ahead. holds graduates in the world of work ”.

Wage subsidy plan to help those who return to employment

With Covid-19 further deteriorating the already unstable job market, Syed Saddiq said the government should create a wage subsidy scheme to “ensure that people who are not employed for a really long period of time are hired.

Shamsuddin Bardan.

“What seems to many a mere subsidy is actually an investment by the government to avoid the waste of human capital. Everyone who strives for an educational qualification has given their best and deserves to use it. “

Shamsuddin Bardan, executive director of the Malaysian Employers Federation, echoed this, saying that the report’s figures reflect a “worrying” trend of late, with youth unemployment at 13.1% in June.

To avoid getting stuck in jobs that don’t match their qualification, he said young workers must “constantly update their skills and knowledge after graduation, especially in response to the demand for digital literacy and technological developments.”

Sam Haggag.

He also agreed that tertiary institutions should work with employers to ensure graduates meet industry needs and move towards a model that prioritizes job placements and practical training over theoretical learning.

Sam Haggag, country manager for recruiting specialists ManpowerGroup, said that rapid advances in technology are creating skill needs that graduates are often unprepared for, particularly when it comes to increasing industrial automation.

“There is a growing danger that young talent entering the market will not have the skills necessary to meet the demands of the industry. The skills required to be successful in these jobs will be very different from what we’ve seen before, “he said, cautioning that” employers must facilitate training opportunities for their talent. “
