(updated) FT Ministry expands the 5MY program with the goal of eradicating urban poverty


KUALA LUMPUR, January 27: The Ministry of Federal Territories seeks to strengthen the 5MY Program designed to eradicate urban poverty, in addition to improving the social safety net system.

Federal Territories Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa said the 2021 program covered the employment aspects through MYJob @ Wilayah, schooling (MYSchoolBus @ Wilayah), basic needs (MYGrocer @ Wilayah), food (MYFood @ Wilayah) and medicine (MYMedic @ Wilayah).

“We started this program (mid) last year as a test and ad-hoc in a small capacity, so this year, we will run the program more widely,” he said during the ‘Ruang Bicara’ program broadcast on Bernama TV. tonight.

He said that MYJob @ Wilayah would offer more than 3,000 job opportunities to city dwellers, especially those affected by COVID-19, in six employment areas, namely services, construction, maintenance, cleaning, manufacturing and packaging.

Meanwhile, he said that the MYSchoolBus @ Wilayah initiative, which aims to help alleviate transportation costs for low-income group schoolchildren, will be expanded to 158 low-cost public and private housing areas involving nearly 10,000 students. .

Annuar said the ministry was also aiming to expand the MYGrocer @ Wilayah program, which offers the B40 target group to purchase kitchen items at prices up to 20 percent lower, to 158 low-cost public and private housing areas, as well as to traditional villages around. the capital.

“I also look forward to increased response and strategic cooperation from the private sector to make MYFood @ Wilayah a success in ensuring that free food assistance can be enjoyed by more people in need,” he said.

He added that MYMedic @ Wilayah, which provides free basic treatment and screenings through mobile clinics to the city’s less fortunate inhabitants on a weekly basis, will also be expanded to more areas.

Apart from that, Annuar said that the ministry had planned a rice contribution program through MYBeras @ Wilayah, to be implemented from February 1 to June this year, to ease the burden on residents of Federal Territories affected by COVID-19.

He said to begin with, 23,000 bags of rice donated by corporate entities and the public will be distributed three times a week through the Representative Council of Residents of the Federal Territory. Called
