Umno’s apology to Bersatu is false, DAP was played


YOUR OPINION | “If Umno is sorry, then they should reinstall Ahmad Faizal as Perak MB.”

Zahid apologizes for the removal of Faizal, PN endorses Saarani as MB

Dr. Raman: I can see Umno, PAS and Bersatu playing a very strategic game.

With Umno and DAP / Pakatan Harapan, there is a supermajority. However, the Malay-Muslim ummah has vowed never to work with DAP, her arch nemesis. But DAP offered to work with Umno anyway.

That has caused a lot of unhappiness within the DAP and its supporters, so much so that the leaders are doing their best to explain themselves. The DAP is now no different from the two Perak DAP assemblymen who had previously been “frogged”.

Umno played DAP big, as did opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. And both have lost credibility and created divisions within their parties and supporters.

So more hope or respect for Harapan?

SilverTiger9654: Harapan should probably stop thinking that it is possible to work alongside anyone who is part of the backdoor government. They are still played like a violin.

Better to stick together, form a united front, and fight head-on against the backdoor government, even if it means losing. Better to impose respect for the rakyat, strengthen Harapan as a whole, and be prepared for GE15.

This is because it seems impossible to regain control of the backdoor government with each passing day, unless someone sells their soul to the devil.

But the way things are going, the person would probably just lose their soul for nothing and be discarded immediately, and the backdoor government would still be in power.

Tiger in the jungle: Umno starts Bersatu MB. Umno names her man MB.

Umno apologizes for his betrayal and party chairman Ahmad Zahid Hamidi says: “We are sorry they fired your man, but now you support us or we go with DAP.”

Viola, all is forgiven. And the traitor Bersatu was stabbed.

Business first: Zahid, if it was a mistake to kick Ahmad Faizal Azumu out of Bersatu as a mean kiss, return him as MB.

Instead, Umno gets the MB post. What did Bersatu get? An apology. What a joke.

I suppose it is an apology that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin wanted to give to Dr. Mahathir Mohamad when poor Mahathir was stabbed in the back by his own party.

In my opinion, both parties (Umno and Bersatu) have suffered as between them we see that they do not trust each other, and with good reason.

When two poisonous scorpions sleep next to each other, it’s not about whether one will sting the other, but when. You pick me up in Sabah, I’ll catch you in Perak.

PAS has also been damaged because they chose Bersatu over Umno. In addition, they showed arrogance and disrespect to the sultan, putting the party leadership above the sultan. Both for ‘raja’ and ‘agama’.

I don’t mention ‘deny’ as they don’t really care about the country, it’s about what the country can give them in terms of luxury cars, et cetera.

Good thing Harapan didn’t join Umno. They took some revenge on Ahmad Faizal for his betrayal of Harapan when he lost his post as MB.

In the end, it shows that these Malaysian parties fighting for race and religion are sheer nonsense. It’s about power and money.

Brave Malay: This apology doesn’t make sense. If Umno is really sorry, then they should reinstall Ahmad Faizal as MB.

If the above actions can be reversed, and in this case, easily, why apologize? There is no sincerity in that apology. How can PAS and Bersatu accept that unless all the snakes are afraid of losing federal power if the Perak crisis is not resolved?

Meanwhile, DAP has lost an opportunity to make history by making greedy demands on Perak. Again, it feels bad.

I am so tired of the politics that politicians play. Anwar has to take responsibility for not taking advantage of this situation again. It is time for you to stand down and allow others to lead Harapan.

Harapan has to reconfigure itself and the older leaders in DAP should also give way to the young ones. The future belongs to the young and Harapan should allow the young to take charge and decide the fate of the nation.

Let Perikatan Nasional (PN) be led by the old and Harapan by the new generation.

PW Cheng: This kind of wayang is only for the people of Kampung. As if after being kicked in the butt, a mild apology would solve everything.

The PAS, which had said it would not participate in the new (state) government, is a party devoid of morals and principles, it only blows hot and cold air to threaten, but in the end, it will reconcile using ‘muafakat’ (consensus) as a excuse.

The PAS has been clowning around since it tasted power and Malaysians have to put up with its crazy ideology called “PAS-ticracy”.

Doc: PN is like a group of children. One day they will play together as friends.

Then they fight each other and shout profanities, give ultimatums, say “I don’t want to be your friend”, hit and pull their hair and finally put on makeup and sayang, only to repeat the cycle over and over again.

I really feel bad for the ummah for having these kids throw tantrums who claim to have their best interest in their hearts, but really, they’re just brats who need a good rakyat beating.

GoldenRusa0480: Yes, this is so strange. It’s like I’ve been assaulted and assaulted and then out of remorse the assailant comes back and apologizes, and all is forgiven.

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