Umno Youth calls for a political ceasefire, instead of focusing on national reconciliation


PETALING JAYA: Umno Youth has called for a political ceasefire amid the Covid-19 pandemic and that politicians focus their efforts on national reconciliation.

Its Datuk boss, Dr. Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki, said that the current Covid-19 situation was concerning as cases continue to rise as the economy contracts, which has directly affected people’s livelihoods.

“It is the right time for politicians, despite their political parties, to hold a political ceasefire to think about the best solutions for the well-being of the people.

“Perhaps this is the best time for all parties to put their differences aside and focus on the Perdamaian National Agenda,” he said in a Facebook post on Monday (October 19).

The call was made following opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s hearing with Yang di-Pertuan Agong last Tuesday (October 13), stating that he had “formidable and compelling” support from lawmakers to form a new government, although it did. Please do not provide names to verify your claim.

Umno, PAS and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) will meet later on Monday (October 19) to discuss their cooperation under the Muafakat Nasional pact, while the supreme council of Umno is expected to meet tomorrow (October 20). to talk about the match. cooperation with Perikatan Nasional.

Asyraf said that “National Reconciliation” does not mean that each party has to ignore its political identities or its own party struggles.

“Instead, National Reconciliation will allow political parties to temporarily suspend any dispute in terms of a power struggle,” he said.

He added that efforts and resources must be mobilized together to find the best formula to help the rakyat who are suffering the impact of Covid-19.

He said that the National Reconciliation agenda was also a form of demonstration to show the sincerity of the leadership of each party towards the real struggle to help the rakyat and not focused on any form of struggle for power.

“There is a need for political will, commitment and sincerity to ensure the mutual success of the agenda.

“Do not let us punish the rakyat who are fed up with the attitude of politicians who continue to fight unceasingly for political issues of power,” he said.
