Umno Has More Chinese Support Than DAP, According To New Poll


An Emir Research poll showed that only a quarter of Chinese respondents expressed support for DAP.

PETALING JAYA: A recent opinion poll found that Umno had garnered a higher proportion of support from Chinese respondents than DAP, which has traditionally performed well among community voters.

Findings released today from an Emir Research survey in August of more than 2,000 respondents showed that Umno was by far the most supported party among respondents, garnering 42.8% of responses, well ahead of PAS and PPBM with 15.5% and 8.5% respectively. .

Broken down by ethnic demographic, Umno remained the most consistently supported group, with a quarter of Chinese respondents expressing support.

By comparison, only 17% of these respondents selected DAP as their party of choice. The party got only 1% support from the Malays.

DAP was the second most supported group among the Chinese surveyed, followed by independents and MCA.

When asked about the most important factor dictating their vote, 29% of those surveyed attributed it to their personal preferences.

It was closely followed by party loyalty and affinity for a particular politician, which accounted for 25% and 24% of responses, respectively.

Muhyiddin the overwhelming choice as PM

Muhyiddin Yassin received overwhelming support of 65% as the prime minister’s choice from those polled. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad received 10% support followed by Anwar Ibrahim with 8%, Bernama reported.

Emir Research said that Muhyiddin had the highest support (68%) among urban respondents and was the preferred choice in all states except Penang, where Mahathir received the most support.

Muhyiddin also received 73% approval among women and more support among younger Malaysians. It also enjoyed greater support among the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak.

He had the support of 50% of Chinese and Indian respondents, and Anwar received the second highest amount of support within these two ethnic groups.

Emir Research said the survey results showed a unanimous yearning for government stability.
