U.S. Electoral College Vote Makes Biden’s White House Win Official


WASHINGTONThe United States Electoral College voted on Monday for a new president based on the results of the 2020 elections, which formalized the victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the White House, reports the Xinhua news agency.

The former vice president has surpassed the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House after California, which has 55 votes in the Electoral College, the most of any state put Biden on top Monday night.

Voters in the key battlefield states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Arizona, where Trump had fought hotly but failed, voted without surprises or defections.

Biden is expected to mark the occasion with an address in the country around 7:30 p.m. local time Monday.

“Now is the time to turn the page. Link. To heal, ”Biden will say, according to an excerpt from his comments posted by his transition team.

“I will work as hard for those of you who did not vote for me, as I will for those who did,” Biden will say, promising again to be “a president for all Americans.”

After voters cast their votes based on the results of the 2020 elections in their respective states on Monday, those results will be certified and sent to Congress, the National Archives and the courts. Congress will certify the results of the Electoral College vote on January 6 as the next step in the presidential transition process.

Despite Monday’s Electoral College vote, Trump and his allies said they will continue their efforts to overturn the election results, arguing that January 20, when the new president will take office, is the only date set by the U.S. Constitution. United.

In Michigan, the state Capitol was closed during electoral voting due to threats of violence and protests.

Dozens of lawsuits challenging the election results of the Trump campaign and his allies have been dismissed at the state and federal level across the country since the November elections.Called
