Two TM employees in Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu tested positive for Covid-19


KUALA LUMPUR: Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) confirms two new positive Covid-19 cases among its employees, one at Menara TM ONE in Damansara, Kuala Lumpur, and the other at its Kepayan office in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

TM has taken proactive steps to mitigate further spread of the virus and keep its customers, staff and communities safe, the company said in a statement today.

At Menara TM ONE, all occupants were immediately evacuated and the office building was closed for seven days to facilitate complete disinfection and sanitation in accordance with the guidelines established by the Ministry of Health (MoH).

TM’s offices in Sabah, Kedah and other areas of the Red Zone had been closed long before as a proactive precaution in correspondence with the recently increasing cases.

TM said both employees who tested positive are currently in quarantine and receiving treatment at government quarantine and medical facilities.

“MT management and staff are praying together for his speedy recovery,” he added.

Following these two new positive cases, the Ministry of Health is conducting detailed contact follow-up, with the help of TM’s Covid-19 Crisis Response Team (CRT), to identify and inform those who had contact. close with affected employees.

The Ministry of Health is reaching out to identified close contacts for further advice and action.

To ensure continuity of services to our clients, TM employees in affected states and areas have returned to work from home (WFH) using digital channels and online productivity tools.

Meanwhile, employees in critical functions (contact center, field crews for service installation and restoration) will continue to work in accordance with additional government and TM security protocols and guidelines, the company said.

“TM would like to remind everyone at all times to maintain safe social distance, hygiene and adhere to standard operating procedures as recommended by the government. TM has taken and will continue to take all necessary measures to guarantee the health and safety of our customers, employees and the community ”, he added.

In March, Menara TM ONE was temporarily blocked after a suspected positive case of Covid-19 among TM employees through preliminary testing. –Called
