Two Sabah STAR Members Sue PAS Deputy Nik Muhammad Over Biblical Commentary


KOTA KINABALU: Two members of the Sabah STAR party have filed a lawsuit against MP Pasir Puteh Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh (Photo) to prevent him from making more speeches that hurt the country’s Christians.

Attorney Marcel Jude, who is the head of the STAR division of Tanjung Aru Sabah, and Margaret Binsing, a member of the Tambunan party, also filed a blasphemous defamation lawsuit against the PAS leader in the Kota Kinabalu High Court here on Friday. (4th of September).

The two are seeking a court order to stop Nik Muhammad from making further defamatory, malicious, insulting or blasphemous comments about their faith and religion.

They are also demanding compensation for illegal interference with their constitutional right to freedom of religion under article 11 of the Federal Constitution.

According to the electronic filing system of the Superior Court, October 5 has been set for the case to be mentioned.

Their civil action, they said, stemmed from Nik Muhammad’s refusal to apologize for his recent statement in Parliament that the Bible was distorted while debating the 2020 Road Transport (Amendment) Bill for more severe fines for driving under The effects of alcohol.

They claimed in their court documents that Nik Muhammad’s statement was a violation or illegal interference with his right to freedom of religion under the Constitution.

They said that article 11 of the Constitution expressly establishes that everyone has the right to profess and practice their religion.

Jude and Binsing said in their statement that it was important to safeguard a plural Malay society, especially in a multicultural, multi-religious and multi-ethnic state like Sabah.
